Libertarian is a GOOD GUY

I completely and totally apologize for my earlier comments and I retract without reservation my earlier characterization of Libertarian’s character. I am deeply embarassed for my part in the misunderstanding.

I escalated an incident of poor wording and non-charitable interpretation into a personal attack, and for that I apologize.

I commend and respect Lib for his calm and reasonable defense and acceptance of his measure of responsibility for the misunderstanding.

We still have many differences of opinion, but I feel confident that we can discuss them in the realm of rational, civilized discourse.

Damn, Damn, damn, damn!


I once felt the same way. One of us is now mistaken.

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

OK, now I’m pissed. Wishy-washy mother fuckers.

How 'bout we sing ‘Kyle’s mom is a stupid bitch’ in D minor?


I appreciate your apology, despite how unnecessary it is. I was heartened by your spirited defense of the children, not threatened by it. I’m glad we cleared up the matter.


Perhaps you’ve drawn a false dichotomy again.

The dichotomy I draw is not false, Lib. singledad trusts you feels you are a fit partner for civilized discussion. I do not. One of us is incorrect.

You may quibble that you are trustworthy to some posters but not to others. Such a position, of course, would make you untrustworthy. When I see a man steal, I do not assume he is a safe companion because he has not yet stolen from me. When I see a man subvert honesty to philosophical fervor, I do not assume he will always interact honestly with me.

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

I made my original posting based on a reasonable but incorrect evaluation of certain posts. Although I maintain my evaluation was not unjustified, I should have ascertained Lib’s position with greater confidence. It is for this error that I apologize.

In my limited experience, Lib posts comprehensible paragaphs composed of well-formed sentences and generally uses words with their ordinary meanings. His opinions, while in many cases vastly different than my own, have so far seemed sincere and never based on wildly irrational premises.

Should new evidence warrant such, I will naturally alter my opinions and conclusions.

Although I don’t often agree with LIB on many issues I would go to forgien countries and kill thier citizens if they tried to take away his right to voice his opinions. He is not a troll, just fanitical in his beliefs.

Where did that come from???

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

Well, sure – any chance to go to foreign contries and kill their citizens is a good one!
