Limited options

Okay, I want to edit my profile (my email address has changed), and I can’t get in.

I’ve also wanted to edit posts a couple of times and I couldn’t get in.

What’s going on? Did someone change my password without my knowing it?

I’m pretty sure the “edit posts” feature is just turned off…

Good luck w/ your profile…

I know the answer to one of your questions. Editing or deleting a post is only allow for moderators and administrators, in spite of what the rules say. The rules have never been updated to match the way the board operates. They are still the way they came with the software in the first place, but that feature has never been allowed for the regular user.

As for the editing your profile, my first guess would be that you aren’t entering your password in the proper case. It is case sensitive.

Hope that helps a little.

You should have received an e-mail at the time you registered that will tell you what your password is. If you have changed your password since then, I suspect you would have gotten a confirming e-mail, but I wouldn’t know. JimB is right, it is case-sensitive (which I finally realized after beating my head against the wall).

Since your password for the post you just made worked, which is the same one need for your profile, you probably did something wrong.

If it’s not a typo (or you were in Caps Lock by mistake), it’s probably that you hit “enter” instead of the button.
“Enter” has taken me to one of the other links, for registering or having my password emailed to me.

And that’s an idea too, to get the password by email, if your old one is still active.
If not, email one of the mods to change it for you.

If you allow cookies, then you never enter your password on a normal basis, just to make changes to your profile. So, it is very likely that APB9999 hasn’t entered his password in a while.


A few months ago when we had that security breach I changed my password, so it hasn’t been that long. It’s not a case problem.

The security breach was back in February… I know I could easily forget a password in that time. Also, I recently changed mine, and I didn’t get an e-mail confirmation.

If it really becomes a problem, e-mail TubaDiva or another admin (CK or Lynn)-- they can probably reset it to some default and mail it to you, but be prepared to prove that it’s really you. Alternately, if you’re brave, you might try digging around in your cookies to see if it’s in plaintext there, but it’s probably encrypted or encoded somehow.

APB, I’ll send you your password.

your humble TubaDiva

I got it working. Thanks!

Meanwhile, I checked my cookies, and not only is it not in plaintext, I can’t even tell where it’s squeezed in, in code. It doesn’t look like any of the cookies set here can carry that much information…

Of course, I suppose it’s a good thing for the passwords to be hard to find… I do a lot of posting from the lab computers, and someone could conceivably find my cookies, if they cared.