Lio comic

Does his Father wear boxers or Bermuda shorts?

What happened to his Mother?

Does he die and resurrect when he is abducted by aliens or witches, or does he piss them off so much that they bring him back?

What’s with the girl he likes? Is she another weird kid?

And what’s his problem with hunters?

Given that he also wears a wife-beater t-shirt, I vote for boxers.

AFAIK, mother has never been shown, and I think it’s clear that she’s not there.

I suspect the latter. See “Ransom of Red Chief.”

I don’t think so. I think she’s just ugly, since I don’t think she’s ever been shown enjoying the weird ghoulish stuff that he likes.

No idea.

Actually, I think she’s very much a female Lio. Just a week or two ago there was a strip where she was reading something like “The Big Book of Autopsies” (while Lio gazed at her with an anatomically accurate heart floating over his head).

The most amazing thing about “Lio” is that it’s created by the same cartoonist who does “Heart of the City”…

That’s … amazing. I would never have guessed that. Consider my ignorance fought.

The Bangkok Post has been running this strip for a year or two now. It gets a lot of hate mail in the Letters to the Editor section, especially these last few weeks. I can’t say I’m a fan myself.

I love Lio. I think it’s original and brave and funny. Lio accepts the unacceptable, fights for the underdog (or under-cephalopod, as the case may be) is against mindless prejudice and cruelty…just a cool little kid.

How can you not like a kid who, standing in the remains of his classroom, amid a smoldering city, watched by his burned teacher is repeatedly writing on the bulletin board, “I will not play with fissible materials in class.”?

Wouldn’t you know that the one thing that would survive an atomic accident like that would be the nearest chalkboard. :slight_smile:

I have a copy on the PC at home. The board has a chunk missing. What he is writing is “I will not assemble fissile material into a supercritical mass during class.”

I thought that was a ‘whoosh’ but I see it’s true.

Eva Rose must be the dark version of Heart :slight_smile:

I’ve never seen them together at the same time…

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What’s a “Wife-beater t-shirt”?

Well, he’s obviously dressed up for being out in public there, in a regular t-shirt and Bermuda shorts (with pockets). He was in his sleeveless “wife-beater” in yesterday’s strip (which I linked to in the other Lio thread).

What’s a “Wife Beater”? :confused:

“Wife-beater” is slang for a sleeveless tank-top undershirt, also called an a-shirt.