List the last ten things you paid for

Just for fun, as a spin-off of the ‘cash in wallet’ thread. List the last ten items you purchased. Include the amount if you want to.

Over the last few days I’ve purchased:

Bag of cookies $3.20
Two bags of pretzels $4.26
Doctor’s visit $57.00
Weekly groceries $134.63
Telephone bill $207.79
Business mail $1.56
Business mail $1.56
CC payment $20.00
Gym membership $44.50
Dental insurance premium $49.36

How about you? :slight_smile:

(1) Doctor’s appt co-pay = $12
(2) Lunch at Taco bell for me, husband and one daughter (without drinks) = $7.19
(3) Prescription co-pay X 2 = $12
(4) Dinner for 4 of us at Mexican restaurant + tip = $80.66
(5) Gas for husband’s truck = $20

(5) Movie for me and two daughters at the expensive Fork & Screen theater = $54
(6) Concessions at movie, with vouchers included in ticket prices= $6.49
(7) Dog food, soda, eyeliner pencil and nail clippers from Wal-Mart = $34.68

(8) Drinks from Quick Trip while walking with daughter = $2.90

Monday (today):
(9)Electric Bill = $64.72
(10) Cable/internet/phone bill = $112.09


Household random groceries $10
Subway/bus home $1
Lunch $7
Vitamin Water $1.50
Snickers $1
Cigarettes $2.50
Coffee $2
Bagel $3
Taxi/subway to work $7

Laundry $2.00
Coffee and an omelet $5.70
Chicken sandwich $5.50
Chicken, rice and mixed vegetables 5.35 Coffee and an egg white omelet $6.10
Italian sandwich $5.75
Chicken, rice and mixed vegetables $5.35
Medium Coffee $1.45
Hand Sanitizer and a 40 oz bag of Hersey’s Miniatures $12.00 (roughly)
NYC subway fare $2.25


  1. Coffee (about 10 minutes ago) 1.85 (plus 1.00 tip because the guy remembered my splendas)

2. Brunch: 20.00

3. Books from Borders: 69.85
4. Make-up: 22.94
5. 2 new suits (on sale! Couldn’t afford NOT to!): 185.70

6. Boathouse Sushi (lunch) 26.14

7. Baja Fresh (lunch again): 21.75

I seriously can’t remember past that. My S.O. paid for a bunch of stuff over the weekend, so my personal spending wasn’t too frequent.

$2.50 for smokes? WTF? They’re $6.00 here!

In the last week (amounts are estimated):

Various groceries from Aldi - $15
3 days worth of fruit, vegetables and meat - $30ish
3 bottles of fountain pen ink and shipping - $60
Some Japanese stationary and shipping - $50
2 Lululemon sport tops - $120
Pajamas bottoms for my husband - $25
Fancy coffee beans for my husband - $10
4 days worth of fruit, vegetables and meat - $30
Pharmacy items - $40
Monthly Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training fee - $120

[li]Walmart: Curtains & Curtain rods, two towels, new set of cups and new set of dishes - 124.74[/li][li]Walmart: More curtains, another rod - 59.67 (discounted 20 dollars, because I returned 2 from the other purchase)[/li][li]Pet People: Pooper Scooper, Water-dispenser thing (5 Galons) and some other pet stuff - 54.42[/li][li]Best Buy: Blu-ray player (and HDMI cable) - 154.76[/li][li]Best Buy: Blu-ray DVD’s (Oceans 11, 12, 13, Hitch & Paton) - 104.58[/li][li]Giant Eagle - 101.40 in groceries[/li][li]Giant Eagle - 81.21 in groceries[/li][li]GetGo (Giant Eagle Gas station) - 2.15 for gasoline (full tank)[/li][li]Online Purchase: electronic Cigarette as a gift for my grandfather - 46.57[/li]Not sure – Possibly Mass Effect 2 or gasoline[/ol]

[li]$120 Caviar delivered at 3AM by Allo Hector[/li][li]$300 Plane tickets to Prague[/li][li]$250 Various groceries from La Grande Epicerie [/li][li]$40 Lebanese Food Delivery[/li][li]$50 Chinese Food Delivery[/li][li]$70 Italian Food Delivery[/li][li]$40 House Cleaner[/li][li]$20 Flower Arrangement[/li][li]$60 Vespa Rental[/li][li]$30 Hashish[/li][/ol]

AHDI membership
part of a dinner at BJ’s
part of a Thai dinner
part of an In N Out lunch
I’m getting hungry…

Baby wipes
Sippy cup straps
XBox game
Freeze-dried fruit snacks
Organic red wine
Several bags of various nuts and seeds
A salad and bottle of water for lunch

In chronological order:

$2 Simply Orange Juice
$1 box of chocolate Whoppers
$1 Whoopie Pie
$1 Lunchable
2x $1 Cloth laundry bags
1 DVD sleeves !!! 2007 Nisen Versa w/9000 miles on it
$15 Garage bill for former car
$13 Alice by syfy DVD

Two birthday presents for kid’s friends’ parties
Lunch at Corner Bakery
Train fare
Lunch at Wendy’s
Easter presents for my nieces
Doctor’s appt. (ins. claim to be submitted)
Baseball tickets (installment)

Let’s see, today is Monday.

Groceries - $16.00
Crickets - $3.31
Library Fine - $0.75
Lunch - 5.53 Coffee - 1.79
Doctor Visit - $180.00

Sunday - did not buy anything

Groceries - 62.00 Dinner 41.00

Lunch Friday $ 6.00
Coffee Friday Morning $1.79

Burger, chips and drink $10
Carton of beer $50
Packet of cigarettes $15
Multitude of drinks at $8 a pop
Entry into ‘Big Gay Day’ $30
Red bull $5
Gum $1
Fish and Chips for 2 $13
Jam donut $2
Bacon, Eggs and a coffee $10

Holy crap, listing it like that makes it sound like I might be an overweight alcoholic!

In reverse chronological order:

A dog ramp on Amazon ($140)
Dinner at Wendy’s ($6)
A dog ramp at PetCo that is pretty much useless ($80)
A new night guard (orthodontic thing) ($450)
Pizza for my party ($40)
Dinner at Panera ($11)
Ingredients for peanut butter squares ($10)
30 cans of no-salt green beans (on sale, for the dog) ($15)
Paid The Man to hook up another phone line in my house ($75)
My electricity bill (n/a)

A new Swiffer Wet Jet to replace my dearly departed one.
A six-pack of Diet 7up in plastic bottles.
A wine fridge I got off of a guy from craigslist.
A mini-turbo brush for a Bissell vacuum that I got off of another guy from craigslist.
A Hot-Wheels car for my son.
A box of Rice Krispies.
A glass cutting board.
Some dishwasher detergent.
A Home Decor magazine.
A bag of Cadbury mini-eggs.

Spanish olive oil
bolo rolls
a mini baguette
a wedge of Mahon cheese
fig spread

Yeah, I live in Seoul. Cigs are a lot cheaper here. If you get them at duty free they’re $1.70.

Imagine my shock when I moved to Chicago a few years ago. $8 for a pack. Ho-lee shit.

Looking over my list, I never realized I spend so much money in one day. No wonder I’m always broke at the end of the month. :smack:


Lunch - a sandwich


Some groceries - lettuce, avocado, capsicum
Lunch - a sandwich


Weekly bus/train pass
Return train ticket to Sydney
Money for the collection at mass


A pizza for dinner
Entrance ticket for the local agricultural show
Copy of the Saturday edition of *The Australian *newspaper
Train ticket to my mother’s place