Listerine Pocket Paks... Mmmmmmmm

Has anyone tried these? I freaking love these things. They are more addictive than Altoids.
For those who don’t know, the Pocket Pak contains what looks to be a small, thin piece of plastic. You put it your mouth, and it immediatly disolves into a mouth freshening delight.
I’ve been eating them non-stop for the last half hour, my mouth is numb from them, so I need to take 2 at a time to get the same pleasure from them. Once I have to go to three at once, I’ll stop, I swear.

I have a pack of them in my purse. I call them Smoker’s Communion Wafers. :slight_smile:

You’ve built up a tolerance for breath mints??? Wow, looks like it’s time for me to go buy some stock in Listerine.

Those things are great, btw, just don’t try one right before you take a sip of orange juice. Yuck…

Oh man, I made the mistake of having one during my hockey game, to keep my mouth moist while playing, and then took a big slug of Gatorade. Ewwwww.

I was just going to start a thread on this today because I picked up the multi-pack. 72 oral care strips for $3.99.

They kick ass. Hardygrrl hit the nail on the head when she said communion wafer. heh.


Wait a sec, your Jewish, do you even HAVE communion?

Actually I’m a lapsed Jew and put it this way…you don’t have a uterus but you know how menstrual cycles work, right? :slight_smile:
[sub]Plus my sister converted to Catholcism. My nephew goes to Catholic school so I learn it through him.[/sub]

I just recently saw them for sale in the drugstore. We used to give a similar item out at trade shows called “Cello Mints”…

Ugh! I tried them and thought someone sprayed my mouth with pure mint extract. I couldn’t feel my tongue! Bleah!

Of course, I also can’t have an Altoid in for more than about 10 seconds, so YMMV…


they’re good, just kinda expensive. I’ll stick w/ the altoids, get more for your money…

Those Listerine Pocket Paks are so cool. My mom introduced them to me and now I’m popping them in my mouth a couple times a day. My Sappo had never heard of them so I gave him one…you’d probably had to be there but he had the funniest look :eek: on his face because he didn’t expect it to be that strong. Ever since then he refuses to even consider putting another one in his mouth.

Anyone know if they have peppermint in them? I was offered one last night, but I’m allergic to peppermint. My friend tried it and he called it a little slice of heaven.

Ugh. I think they’re horrible. I gave one to my mom, and when she ate it she looked like her face was turning inside out.

Do you people have no taste buds?