lol ...........

Heatherlee was dating Satan. From what I saw this seemed to be a serious relationship. I think most people saw the same thing.

Heatherlee got engaged to another man. Without breaking up with Satan first. Not even the day before she got engaged. Not even after she got engaged.

Satan found out by checking her web page

All of this can be found in old threads.

Even if this hadn’t happened to someone I like and admire, I would not like this person. Since this happened to someone who is liked and admired by many people on this board, heatherlee’s name has become synonymous with the kind of b**** that many men have been hurt by. In other words, she was a grade A jerk.

Is this cliquish behavior? IMO, no. If you were rejecting someone because they were a different economic status, race, or religion, or just new, that would be cliquish. I have seen people of all stripes embraced on this board, and new people are welcomed so enthusiastically, I get dizzy sometimes. To reject someone who is a major jerk however, is our privelege. IMO (again) the people who complain that this board is cliquish are jerks who don’t want to take responsibility for their behavior.

If SAE had defended “her friend” in an actual thread where h had been attacked, I might have a little empathy. But to start a thread just to bitch about how her friend had been treated to a group of h’s ex-boyfriends friends :rolleyes:

Heh. Oh yeah. I forgot about that killer website with the awesome graphics. It even had music…

Someone’s got to send me that if it’s up still. that was the origin of the term “meatflaps” IIRC.


How close to the bottom am I?
heheh, I said “bottom”.

Well, I’ve been away for a while, but this requires a response.

I did a little research in response to Atreal’s claims. It seems that since heatherlee registered (on 8-26-99), there are a total of 181 threads which mention her by that name.

I did not think to search her by the many other names people referred to her as, meat flaps being the most amusing, but I figured that just checking her user name was vigorous enough for this.

Now then, she herself participated in 87 of those threads.

So, let’s just cut to the chase here: On a board as active as this one, that’s nothing. And that’s everything included, even when she was an active and well-respected member of the Dope.

Um… Well, when she was active at any rate…

I find all of this quite amusing on several levels.

First of all, the two most recent references, both of which are completely unrelated and one of which I don’t even understand, were posted earlier this month by the venerable ChiefScott. Before that, it had been a month since anyone ever uttered her name.

I think someone has a crush… :wink:

Aside from those two isolated references, most of the ones I looked at were either people talking about the past in threads along the lines of “Our favorite threads” or “Important stuff I missed” (and not being insulting about it).

So, I think that Atreal is mistaken here. While it’s not hard to search the database and find a slew of negative commentary about this person, it’s also obvious that the vast majority of it happened a long fucking time ago.

I would hope that whomever (Ruthie, Heather, a mutual friend) started this is as happy as I am now.

I don’t need to look to the past. My present is better than anything in my past, and the future will top even that…

Yer pal,

Ten months, 20 hours, 50 minutes and 8 seconds.
12274 cigarettes not smoked, saving $1,534.55.
Extra life saved: 6 weeks, 14 hours, 50 minutes.

See my Sig File FAQ:*

As far as I know, “The Evil Bitch” refers to dpr’s teddybear that is being sent round the world, not heatherlee. In fact, i dont recally her even being talked about for quite a while. I’m with falc, i hadnt even thought about heatherlee in the past 6 months. So, i think you’re misremembering, Atrael.

I’ve been active here since May or so, and this is the first time I’ve heard the name heatherlee. I would have no idea what it’s about had it not been for the explanation above.

And to back up Doob, “Evil Bitch” is a teddy bear named after dpr’s ex and is currently touring the world, being shipped from Doper to Doper. Excepting some amazing and far-fetched coincidence, “Evil Bitch” has nothing to do with this.

BTW, I would just like to commend Satan for showing such dignity in his reply to the OP.

Enough already.

We’ll be with you shortly, miss Sexyangeleyes. It’s amazing how difficult a simple request is for some people.