Long delay in Forum Jump

I realize there will be a shakedown period, but the new server just gave me the same result as the old one used to at times.

I did a forum jump from GQ to GD. 2 min. and 35 seconds by my watch after I clicked on the switch, GD was finally brought up.

It’s not just the forum jump. It happens randomly when loading thread pages and performing other functions. Hopefully, it will be ironed out soon. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s far worse than it was before. OTOH, most of the time the board runs like a tourist in Pamplona.


It’s been pretty frequent for me this afternoon, and worse than before. It timed out on me twice when I tried to open this thread.

You ain’t the only one. Damn, this board has R E A L LY B E E N S L O W the last 8 hours. It zipped alomg 12-2, and then a spiderweb hit it…

Oh, sometimes it was fast, but you had to be lucky.