Long Hair on men in their 50's. What say ye Ladies?

Yay or ney? (Guys can comment, too)

Gal speaking up:

As long as it is clean, groomed, and under control I don’t care. And I don’t care if it’s long head hair or long beard hair. Long nose hair, however, should be trimmed.

Some men, of course, look better with long hair than others.

If it’s well groomed, yes. Even balding can look OK. If you look like a member of ZZTop, no, no, no.

Use shampoo, liberally and frequently. Use conditioner, liberally and frequently. Get it trimmed neatly.

No way, on guys of any age. I think anything past ear/chin length is too long, and only certain guys can pull off any more than 2 or 3 inches of hair anyway.

I hate it, and I feel really bad rejecting potential matches on OkCupid because of it, but long hair = do not want.

Long hair on guys of any age is totally fine by me.

If I had great hair, I’d grow it out … but I don’t, so I’m always looking like Julius Caesar.

Why do GUYS get the great hair? WHY :smack:

I am eyeing MrWhatsit’s fabulous mane, and doing some calculations… yeah, he’ll be 50 in about 6 years. I vote yea.

I think long hair is great on older men as long as it’s not too thin. I’m not a fan of thinning hair and very tiny little ponytails. And mullets…not on anyone, preferably.

Like most anything else, it works on some guys, but not on all. The too thin thing I agree with, but mostly, I’m fine with it.

What if you’ve got about 6 inches of hair, but it doesn’t fall down?

And I don’t even use hair products…

It only works on some guys, but clean and neat and it’s acceptable. it’s the nasty unwashed mane hanging in the eyes that makes me stabby - or go all mother Hen and cut it.

Yikes. And: if you’re also balding? Please, no. JMHO.

Long hair + balding = HELL no. And I say this as a guy who likes long hair and had to cut my own when the balding became noticeable. Pre-balding (1992) post-balding (recent) :frowning: As I get balder, my hair will probably become shorter. I haven’t decided whether this is creative adaptation or just giving in…

Without balding, it’s fine. Usual disclaimers for personal style, not all guys can pull it off, etc.

I dislike long hair on men of all ages. But what anyone else does is up to them. Keeping it neat and clean should be a given (though it isn’t always).

I’m shallow. It doesn’t look good to me on guys older than their mid-30s, and my definition of what’s both “good” and “long” means chin-length, max. Any older than that and I get flashbacks of a 40-something co-worker that another, older, co-worker dubbed “Fabio gone to seed” and how he hit on every woman under the age of 30. It’s not fair to all older long-haired guys, but that’s a hard image to shake.

I’m 62, bald on top with a pony tail most of the way down my back and I find myself to be just too cute for words.

Yes, I do have a Harley. Why do you ask?

As long as it is maintained, and not in a ridiculous combover, i vote yes.

Nay. But I don’t like long hair on guys, in general.

Um . . . I was just gonna say that it’s ok, as long as you’re not bald on top, with a pony tail. But if you’re that cute, it’s forgiven.

Longish, with a full head of hair, can be very sexy – Richard Gere didn’t get truly gorgeous till he went gray – but not too long, and not in conjunction with a bald spot or a receding hairline.

No, thank you.