Hi everyone. I’ve lurked the Dope on and off for several years, but only now worked up the courage to post. I hope this post isn’t going to come across as whiny or immature, but I need advice and I’ve always been amazed at how intelligent Dopers seem to be compared to the rest of the internet, so I figure you guys are the best people to ask for advice.
I’m a recovering “live in my parents’ basement” type. I’m in my late 20s, can’t drive, have suffered from anxiety and depression for most of my life and mild visual/learning disabilities since I was born. My parents are wonderful people who mean well, but they tend to enable me. I had a web programming job for a few years, which my dad would drive me to, but I got so sick of feeling like I had no control over my life that, a little over a year ago, I got a job in another state (a few hours’ drive from my parents) and moved in with a friend. Said friend just moved out of our apartment (which I am cool with; it’s not like she’s abandoning me or our friendship has ended or anything. She just wanted to live with her boyfriend).
Rather than go on for several paragraphs of boring details, this is where I stand right now:
[li]I commute 90 minutes each way to my job via public transportation. This sucks.[/li][li]Moving closer to work is technically an option, but I’d rather not because the area has a high crime rate.[/li][li]I find my job boring as hell (which is a damn shame, since I used to enjoy programming) and want to get out of it. I feel like that guy from Office Space. Also (and I could kick myself for this), in my immature stupidity I’ve slacked off a lot at work and my boss is angry at me. I’m worried that if I don’t quit soon, he’ll fire me. So basically I had a great job (except for, y’know, the part about hating it) and I totally destroyed it because I’m a moron.[/li][li]As far as looking for a new job and new place to live is concerned, I feel torn. I have several friends here (one of whom has even offered to teach me to drive. Don’t know whether to call him a saint or insane), but I also have friends back home and I miss my family. If I do move back home, I will not move back into my parents’ house. I’ll get an apartment.[/li][/ul]
So here I am, looking for a new job in this crappy economy because I flushed my good job down the toilet.
Here’s where I really need the Dope to advise me: How do I find a job that won’t make me feel bored out of my skull? Or is having a boring job a fact of life? I read stuff like question #4 in this Cracked article (tl;dr: “Don’t be like that guy from Office Space. Do what you love”) and I wonder if people believe things like that just because it makes them feel better. Maybe work is supposed to be 40 hours of stress and boredom per week, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just too idealistic. Maybe I’m just immature and need to get over it.
Anyhow, I promise my other posts on the Dope will be less whiny. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies to this.