I don’t know who you are, but I am looking for your sig. It went something like,
If this is your sig, or you know the person who has it, please help me. Thanks!
There’s also a chance I am completely (sp?) off base on this. :smack:
I don’t know who you are, but I am looking for your sig. It went something like,
If this is your sig, or you know the person who has it, please help me. Thanks!
There’s also a chance I am completely (sp?) off base on this. :smack:
I don’t know it completely, but this may jog somebody else’s memory. Was it a quote from somebody having lubricant squirted on them at a gay pride parade?
I think I read that here. I hope I read that here, otherwise I have a more active imagination that I’d feared.
I’ll second that it IS someone’s sig from SDMB, but I can’t help you with finding it or filling in the blanks.
I believe there are two or more posters with this sig, one iirc is Tentacle Monster, the quote is from a reverend and (again) iirc goes
You recalled… incorrectly.
Can I do a semi-hijack and ask for another sig that’s been bugging me? It’s a quote that goes something like “Love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like there’s no one watching.” But I can’t remember the whole thing.
There’s different variations on it but here’s one:
“Dance like nobody’s watching; love like you’ve never been hurt. Sing like nobody’s listening; live like it’s heaven on earth.”
– Mark Twain
Aha! Found it!
I believe you’re thinking of Dragwyr’s sig line: