Looking for a specific video-game

Don’t know if this would go here (factual answer) or Game Room (game, duh) or maybe Cafe Society (I dunno…for fun?)

Here’s what I remember.

  1. It was styled to look like something out of Tron. Very wire-framey, bright neon blues-and-greens.

  2. It was shareware.

  3. It was something vaguely god-game-esque. You controlled groups of people (blue) and built like shamans(?), fighters, etc.

  4. It came out around 2005 or so and was a brief 3 month wonder.
    Any ideas? It’s been bugging me for weeks.

Thanks in advance.

Wasn’t Darwinia, was it?

Can you say more about the gameplay?

Moved to the Game Room.

General Questions Moderator

That’s it!!!

Thank you! :slight_smile: