Looking for internet explorer 6.0 download

I don’t know why, but I can’t find the file to download.

I need to get rid of 5.5 on my computer and replace it with 6, as 5.5 has been a general pain in the ass. 5.5 will only let me go to yahoo.com and no further (yes it connects).

I can only find the service pack for 6.0, not the file itself.

Any ideas?


Oh, and before anyone asks, I’m not on my computer. I’m on Palve’s.

Microsoft’s site sez

Emphasis mine.

I only have a 26.4k connection, 12mb is out of the question. Even when I download the service pack (only 480k, I think) I’m not on my computer.

I could download it here, on cable, on a mac.

Would I be able to run the program then download the file, then burn it to CD?

Do you have Windows 95 or Windows 98? MSIE cannot be installed on Win95, so don’t try.

I’m on Windows ME

Ok, now I have the option of downloading it on another windows computer.

I need to know, though, if it is possible to simply burn a copy of it off of another computer rather than going through all of the downloading it and going through the setup pack.

Also, if I need to go through the setup pack, can I simply have it downloaded (using the setup pack) then burn it to a CD?

You can use the following method, but only if the PC you’re downloading on is running Win9x or ME.

  1. Download and run ie6setup.exe.

  2. Agree to the EULA and hit Next. Select Install Minimal, or customize your browser and hit Next.

  3. Click the Advanced button, select Download only, hit OK, and Next.

  4. Pick a download location and check the box for Windows Millennium. It will download the full installer package. Burn this to a CD and run it on your PC.

Oh, it would also be a good idea to burn a copy of the July 2003 Cumulative Patch. Run it after you install IE6SP1.

Thanks all, I got it working.

download.com for any files of any kind in the future.

I got Netscape sent to me on a cd in the mail instead. Much better.