Like to gab? Show how smart you are? Think “shit, I can do that” while listening to some dork blab on the radio regarding some argument point debunked on the SDMB 14 years ago?
… Ever thought about doing a podcast? Wouldn’t you love to do it, if even just for a single episode? You only live once, right?
I am looking for your help in setting up and participating in a podcast project based on a Straight Dope thread (which itself is based on a list I have been compiling for over a year now) for 2023.
The Podcast will be called Freakouts of the Right!, based upon my Freakouts of the Right list which I have been compiling for about a half a year now. The podcast will be, as you can tell, political. And rather one-sided, at least from this hosts viewpoint, though the cohost may very well disagree. Which brings us to…
I am looking for cohost(s) to participate, as well as a Doper or two who can contribute podcast art and podcast music. (See next post for more details, thanks.)
I have two ideas for episode/overall structure (it would help to look at the thread link to understand the following):
Chronological. The episodes are broken into time periods where we give a brief synopsis of the freak outs that happened that year. This would require short mentions of each freak out (especially as we get closer to now), not too much analysis, and is more conducive to a light-hearted tone. Each episode would last about 30 minutes, and the period of time will vary depending on where we are. Pre-1980s covers 200 years in one episode, maybe 2. 2020 alone might require 5 episodes, lol.
Topical. Each episode is focused on one or two of the more than 250 Freak Outs identified in the list. Obviously the amount of research needed to do a topical episode is greater than the chronological – maybe two minutes per freakout (in a chronological show) vs twenty in the topical episodes.
Mix. We do chronological episodes for the entire list, then pick and choose which Freak Outs are worth a 15-30 minute topical discussion.
OK, I guess that’s three ideas. Sue me.
Each podcast will be around 15-30 minutes, I would like to do two per week (M & Th release dates) but once (Sun) will be fine, anything less than that won’t draw a regular audience. Recording can be done over Zoom or other host. I will do post production and get rid of burps, errors… hell, once I got rid of 50 uses of the word “like” in one podcast. Recording doesn’t even have to be concurrent with release dates – we can record all the episodes in January-February, release them throughout the year. We can record every Sunday. We can do whatever – it’s not live, it’s Memorex.
Also, this is a project which won’t even begin recording until January, February at the latest. No recording in December.
Anyway, I genuinely don’t want to get too into the weeds on this in the first post – look for the next post to go into more detail about what I am looking for in cohosts and more. Also, review the thread, see if you’re interested in talking about certain topics. Maybe you have nothing to talk about re: Ebonics, but can go on and on and on about the time the Right was mad about Mr. Potato Head’s dick – there you go! Volunteer to talk dick talk!
Lastly, the podcast is NOT affiliated with the SDMB even though I have shared my list – and compiled it with many Doper suggestions – on this Board. This is a personal project between myself and any contributors, just like the Long Bust… where I roped 10 Dopers into writing articles about a 25 year-old, laughably-wrong, Wired magazine article… was a personal project involving myself and the contributors.
Regardless, while this isn’t affiliated with the SDMB or parent companies or whatever, I want this to be a project from, of, and about the Doper community. This pod is about Freakouts of the Right (FotR), but it will be about us as well. FotR is what the pod is about, the Doper community will be what it’s about-about.
You’ll see.
(Lastly, this is in CS because (a) CS is highly traveled, (b) is entertainment related, and (c) marketplace is where threads go to die. Please don’t kill this thread by moving it to marketplace. It’s entertainment-related, let it be. )
OK, let me shut up so I can begin speaking again…