Looking for question submissions for a quiz for Mensans

I am one of the writers this year for Mensa’s CultureQuest, which is a quiz that will be given throughout North America on April 30 to Mensan teams of up to five people, all competing for prizes to be given to their local chapter.

Why should you care? Here’s why - since we only have 2 writers at this time, our questions are not showing the variety and breadth of knowledge we would like. So we are accepting submissions from Dopers.

If you would like to contribute, please EMAIL your questions to [EMAIL=“culturequest@yandex.com”]culturequest@yandex.com and include your real name, as all contributors with accepted questions will be credited.

PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS TO THIS THREAD! To keep the quiz fair, we won’t be able to use ANY questions posted here.

Here are some sample questions so you can get an idea of the types of questions we would like to see:

*In George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, what is the name of the torture chamber where a prisoner is subject to their worst nightmare, fear or phobia?

The Dunlap broadsides were the first published copies of what document?

What arcade video game was the focus of a 2007 documentary subtitled “A Fistful of Quarters”?

Kwashiorkor, an acute form of childhood energy malnutrition, is due to insufficient consumption of what?

Besides Rome and Vatican City, the world’s two closest capital city neighbors are what two African cities, which sit less than a mile apart on opposite banks of a river?

“Truth or Consequences” is the current name of a city in New Mexico. What was the original name of that city?

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), a U.S. federal law, is better known by what nickname?

The lyrics of the Steely Dan song “Kid Charlemagne” were loosely inspired by the exploits of Owsley Stanley, who manufactured what?

Brewed traditionally in Belgium, what type of beer is produced by spontaneous fermentation and is mostly consumed after refermentation?

First a website and now also a television show, TMZ is an acronym for what?

Gordon Shumway was the title character of what 1980s NBC sitcom?

Bette Nesmith Graham invented what product brand in the 1950s, which was sold to the Gillette Corporation for $48 million in 1979?
“Inefficient macroeconomic outcomes sometimes require active governmental responses, particularly in monetary policy and fiscal policy, to stabilize output over the business cycle.” What economic school of thought advocates the above statement?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average originally featured twelve firms; now it has thirty. What is the only company in the original twelve that is currently on the index?

What is made up of parts including the cuirass, the gorget, the hauberk, and greaves?

What non-standard unit of length, created as part of a 1958 prank by the AXA fraternity at MIT, is equal to the namesake’s height at the time of the prank (5’7")?

What Ottawa-born actor has portrayed Fred Garvin, Austin Milbarge, Dr. Raymond Stantz, Boolie Werthan, and Louis Winthorpe III?*

Here are the official rules: http://www.us.mensa.org/attend/culturequest/culturequest-xxviii-rules/

Here is an entire set of questions from 2008. Note that most recent quizzes have been more pop culture-ish than this, but we want a complete mix, so feel free to submit any question you like!

Your help will be appreciated! You don’t have to be a Mensa member to contribute!


Bumping this thread to well, bump it, but also to let you know that I have gotten 1 response to date; he had quite a few submissions and I know we are going to use several of them.

Looking for more submissions.

Write to JoseB, he does that same thing when he attends Spain’s RAM.