Lost 2.5: "... and Found"

Did I hear correctly? Did he actually say that the dog “shat a buck-thirty-five?” Is the inflected verb more acceptable than the infinitive on U.S. network TV, or was I hearing things?

Anyway, fine performances by Yunjin Kim and Daniel Dae Kim.

can only type with one hand as the 5 day old is sucking on my right pinky in an effort to give mommy another 15 minutes to sleep before the next feed so excuse lack of caps.

i turned on closed captioning to see what jin said to michael at the waterfall. we all know it isn’t canon, but the quote was:


other than that, while the flashback was sweet it had again little to do with anything current except explaining the jin/sun relationship a bit more. the plot was slowly advanced again in this episode but again no big answers. that’s fine and i understand the writer’s balancing act between stringing us along too slow or dumping too much but i wish they had given us a bit more before a 3 week hiatus.

i see sawyer barely making it back to camp, positive misdirection in the “scenes from next week” showing him on the stretcher, jack going to heroic measures and saving him. speculation. thus setting up the awesome chick fight over him between kate and analucia, hopefully complete with mud wrestling and hair pulling.

The closed captioning gave it as “Mestereko.”

My beef with this season so far is that the flashbacks have been really boring. They keep revealing things we already knew. Hurley won the lottery…Sun and Jin met…yadda yadda yadda. Half the fun of the first season was the huge surprising twists in the flashbacks. Hurley won the lottery! Kate was holding up a bank just to get a toy plane!!

Yeah, I agree.

People have been saying that the slow pace of revealing answers is okay beacuse we’re getting character development. Meh.

Yes, Michael’s wife is a manipulative bitch. Losing your son sucks. etc.

Is it anything remotely like when we saw the scene where Locke is in the wheelchair?

Obviously they can’t have Huge Impact Moments all the time, but the flashbacks this season have largely been entirely mundane.

He said “crapped a buck thirty five”

Just jumping in to say I also had a Peter Pan moment when I saw the teddy bear.
My thought was, “They’re in Never-never Land!”

I also wondered how many Others walked by (I forgot to count) and then decided there must have been eight. I mean, eight’s one of the numbers, right?

Did anyone catch which hexagram Jin’s friend was looking at during his prediction? I thought it was number… 12. Er, 12. Not one of The Numbers. But it is made up of the trigrams for “force” and “field” (or “earth over heaven”, or “obstruction”). Of course, that’s all assuming I got the right trigram.

Locke’s comments on being [sub]LOST[/sub] were interesting:
“I’m not Lost anymore.”
(why? how?)
“Same way anything gets found – I stopped looking.”
Later on, Sun stops looking for her ring, and finds it. Jin stops chasing Michael and finds him.

That this appeared in the same episode of Lost where we see Jin and Sun meet warmed my heart, because I wrote a short essay about meeting my wife called “the easiest way to find it is to stop looking.” When you understand that my dad is also bald, and likes to impart wisdom (AA sayings and Zen koans) at weird times, you maybe get a funny picture of how the episode hit me.

Best line in the whole episode, though, goes to Jin. He hauls in five or six big-ass red snapper, looks right at Rambina, smirks, and says, “feesh.” :smiley:

I’ll second that. In fact, I had noticed that they were starting to run dry back towards the end of last season!

We still need to know more about the pasts of several characters (Kate and Locke, mostly), and hopefully the tail characters will bring in some more stories when they join the group, but man, the flashbacks have just been filler lately.

If ever there was an episode composed entirely of filler, this was it.

We got nothing.

The Kucha tribe spent all their time talking about Sun’s ring, and Ogakor just set off on a walk. The back story was how Sun met Jin? So what.

Lame-O episode. With a big O. That’s called stringing you along while they think up some plot.

Something new: a couple of shots of muddy legs? Big whoop.

Kate’s “I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye” line was kind of interesting. Was she revealing a deeper appreciation for Sawyer than we’ve seen so far?

Nice catch on Jin’s lady in orange.

The problem we’re seeing is the inherent limiting factor of this show. This show is fantastic, but it needs to end in the next season or so. The premise and body which they build on can’t support it forever without it being a circular plot whereby these main characters die/begin naturalized to the island/become others, and are continually joined by new crashes thus providing new backstory and content.

But I doubt this will happen and so I stand by the fact that I’m loving the hell out of this show, but hope they give it a respectable ending and don’t drag it into the gutter by forcing more seasons than it has.

The filler flashbacks may not provide the stunning revelations of the first season, but they always provide something. I thought it was interesting to see Jin say that he didn’t want a woman to take care of him, now we’re left wondering where he pulled the 180 that put his wife into the servitude role. And how did Jin manage to gain a position where he could marry Sun with her well-off family’s approval. So there are questions still to be answered. Perhaps not dire ones, but questions none the less.

That should be become naturalize… that’s what I get for trying to write coherently without caffeine.

What no Dopers with anagrams for Mr.Echo or is it Misterecho? Wasn’t Echo a nymph with Narcissus by the water etc.? Jin was by the water drinking…too many references my head hurts!

Season 1 episodes “House of the Rising Sun” and “…In Translation” provide most of that info. Or, at least, as much as I think we’re going to get. :slight_smile:

The Other with the teddy bear is obviously supposed to make us think of Alex … it’s one of those things that seems too easy. My X-Files training is coming back–trust no one and no story line. :slight_smile:

I believe he was going back for a spear that they had left behind. He told Jin to wait at the creek wait at the creek while he did that.

What was Jin’s trick to catch all the fish? He seemed to be pulling the spines off a sea urchin and just tossing them into the water. He didn’t appear to be affixing them to the net in any way. How did that help him to immediately snare all those fish?

I thought he was throwing the meat in as bait.

It was a stick with a boomerang tied to the end. :slight_smile:

My wife counted 11 pairs of legs.

He meant that he didn’t want a woman to take care of him financially. He had just told his friend that he couldn’t take care of a woman (financially), that he could barely take care of himself. Then his friend said that Jin could have a woman take care of him (financially).

Could someone recap the last 15 minutes of the show? My PVR didn’t record it.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the ‘others’ are the survivors from the Black Rock. One of the experiments is longevity, right? I wonder if there’s something about the island that keeps you from aging? It didn’t look like the pants some of them wore were new - in fact, they looked quite old, like something worn in the 1800’s. And so many of them had bare legs, I’m thinking their clothing is threadbare. That would also explain how there can be a child among the ‘others’ even though they appear to have been there long enough to snatch ‘Alex’. Maybe the kid IS ‘Alex’.