Lost 3.13: "The Man from Tallahassee"

My, what beautiful eyes you have! :slight_smile:

BTW, that last Locke flashback was NorCal, probably up in Humbolt County. A place known for a particular cash crop.

So… Locke wants the sub! What’s he going to do with it, pilot it around the island, because he’s bored with the jungle?

“No, we don’t have a code for There’s a Man in My Closet Holding a Gun to my Daughter’s Head.” hee hee

Ahhhh… he wants to blow it up! Doesn’t want anybody getting off the island any time soon.

The Others got video games and a pool table! That beats the heck out of playing ping pong on a charred and irregular table on the beach.

Two giant hamsters in a secret underground lair, generating electricity…
I like Ben, despite the fact that he’s an asshole.

Nice line.
“I hope that box is big enough to manage yourself a new submarine.”

Jeb Bush? Well, not since January.

But the Island needs disciples. Locke needs the other surviors and I think he believes the Island needs them too.

Besides, no man is an Island.

I. Hate. Locke. Argh, he used to be such a cool character, now he’s just a bigger asshole than Ben. :frowning:

Well, Ben has a loophole now.

“I’ll let them go… just as soon as you’ve left the island.”

knowing full well that Jack isn’t going anywhere now.

Wow, John, did that hurt?

Well, I guess John’s dad got his revenge for blowing the scam! Somehow, I had a feeling he was going to do something as soon as John turned for the phone.

Didn’t guess they were on such a high floor, though. Ouch.

I would’a thought, that high up, John should’ve died.

Gah! I walked in and TiVo was recording Top Design instead of LOST! Why, I have no idea. LOST is number one in my queue. Does the webcast start immediately after the broadcast or not until the day after? Not. Reading. Thread. Cuz. Must. See. Episode. First. Aaaagggghhhh!

You know, Flashback John could have averted all that if he’d just turned in Bad Daddy to the police detectives who showed up to question him.

The Others have his dad?!! Holy crap!

I can’t agree with Locke’s methods or reasons but this is the badass John Locke that I liked in the beginning. It’s good to have him back.

Oooh, so dad came out of the box. I think dad is also known by the name Sawyer, but that’s been mentioned before (by me and others).

I almost expected his dad to be there when Ben opened the door, but not tied and trussed. More like, one of them.

Although I also half expected them to show us John’s reaction only, then flash to the “LOST” screen, and not show us what he saw.

So, wait. Is Anthony Cooper the “man from Tallahassee”?

Or is that still me?

As soon as John walked into the room and I saw the big window in the background I knew he was going to go through it but I thought maybe he and dad would tussle first.
By the way, I’ve been thinking this for a while, kudos to the casting people who cast an Alex that actually looks like Danielle.

Yes, I was scared of that exact thing “Oh no, they are going cut away before the reveal”

John’s dad the original Sawyer? Certainly possible.


who exactly is “man from Tallahassee” (in the episode)

My vote is that John’s dad is the man from Tallahassee.

Kudos to the producers for letting us see “the reveal.”

I gathered the “man from Tallahassee” was Locke’s dad.
Okay, I know they answered a question and stuck us with several more but I’m still happy. It’s back, my Lost is found! :smiley:
Ever since the sub went splodey I keep having the Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at midnight going through my head.

I missed the first 20 minutes or so, I tuned in right when Ben asked “did it hurt?” Anyone want to recap?
