LOST 6.13 "The Last Recruit"

Locke Monster seems not all that pissed. Pretty calm about the “Sawyer took my boat” thing.

Sun and Jin, reunited :slight_smile:

What is it that made Desmond & Penny’s reunion so much more satisfying?

Was I the only one wondering if the sonic wall had been turned off yet as Jin and Sun converged on it?

Yeah, I was cringing slightly, waiting for a head to asplode.

Nope–I was thinking the same thing.

So ALT Locke gets run down by Desmond and is on deaths door. At the same time FLocke’s hold on Claire and Sayid seems to be weakening as they were both swayed by the appeals of Desmond and Kate. Desmond experiences the EM event and suddenly ALT Desmond starts acting weird and driving the ALT events and pushing people together. Island Desmond develops a weird sense of calm and lets the chips fall where they may.

Looks like we’re getting some clarity here though I’m not sure I can pin it down just yet.

Every time I see someone spell Smokey’s name this way I picture a giant apron monster.

Well, if someone who’s Omniscient can’t figure it out clearly, I don’t have much hope for the rest of us.

The Last Recruit -> Jack (or Claire?)

I had the same fear about the sonic fence ruining the Jin/Sun reunion…that blunted the emotion…like well he’s back said, it wasn’t nearly as tear-jerking a moment as the Desmond/Penny reunion. Maybe they underplayed the music too.

I think everybody was wondering the same thing. http://twitpic.com/1h6mox

So…wait. Who was “the last recruit”? (and does “recruit”=“candidate”?)

I’m guessing it’s Lapetus…or Sayid (or Claire) if one of the latter two turned back from the dark side.

Finally, I had to take care of a problem and missed a few seconds. I heard Desmond’s speech to Sayid about “What will you say to her if you get her back?”. Did we see Sayid not-kill Desmond, or did it cut away or what?

Yes let’s call it a given that Christian on the Island was Smokey.

Still that leaves us with who was Christian that Jack saw off the island? Surely not MIB?

Also, what was going on in Jacob’s cabin? And What was up with Dave? Assuming he was a ghost Hurley saw in the mental ward, how did he see him on the island unless he brought with him him some physical component such as Richard needed with his cross to bring Isabella to the island?

Word! I wish Sawyer would have pointed that out to her! Along with MIB lying about being her father and lying about etc etc She never would have left her baby to be “raises by others” if he hadn’t impersonated her father! Maybe she would have even been on the helicopter as Desmond predicted.

Maybe. She seemed somewhat convinced by Kate. Even Sayid I’m starting to doubt - surely he didn’t shot Desmond off camera. The main question remains though - why did Rouseau’s team go wacky? I can’t imagine what MIB would’ve promised that would make Danielle’s SO shoot her.

Nope I had that feeling too. Of course I heard the hun of it turning off, but it was subtle enough that I wondered…

Jacob has candidates. Smokey has recruits.

The last recruit was probably meant to be Jack. At the beginning Claire tells him that he’s with Smokey because he let Smokey talk to him. At the end - after getting blown up real good just like Claire was - Smokey tells Jack that Jack’s with him.

Funny thing is, without having seen that episode recap, I was still getting a very Survivor-like vibe when Sawyer pulled Jack aside to talk about the boat-stealing plan.

*Cut to Sawyer addressing the camera. Caption on screen reads SAWYER - Con Man
“Locke’s just too big a threat right now, he’s got to go. I don’t think Jack trusts me yet, but if I can pull off this boat thing I can probably count on his and Kate’s votes and we can blindside Locke at Tribal Council. Or, if he wins immunity we’ll go after his zombie Sayid.”

JACK - Spinal Surgeon
“I’m not stupid. Sawyer’s still holding a grudge over that Juliet thing; I’ll be low man in his alliance. If I flip now I can see Locke and me going to the final two. And I think we all know who’ll win that vote!”*

We don’t know, it cut away as you suggest, and later as you might have seen, Sayid told Smocke that he did kill Desmond, but my gut feeling is that he did not, keep watching and we’ll find out.

I’m actually think that it’s Esau’s cabin and not Jacob’s. I mean Claire was in there with “Christian” having a chat. Then we saw an ash ring around it (maybe to keep Esau in) and then Jacob’s soldiers (Bram et al) were worried when they saw the ash ring broken.

Ben might have been wrong thinking it was Jacob’s cabin since Jacob never spoke to him and Jacob lived under the foot anyways.

That was such an odd choice of a way to film a scene. It was a moment everyone was waiting for for 2 seasons and should have been an emotional high.
But the whole pylon thing took any of the emotion away and just made you cringe.
They obviously filmed it this way on purpose but I have no idea why.

Yeah, I agree 100%. The emotion was suffocated by the unnecessary tension.

There are a lot of long cons in this show. I wonder if Flocke disguised himself as Ben’s mom to send Ben into the arms of the Others, become their leader, and ultimately kill Jacob.

I thought I heard Zoe say something like “cut the power to the fence” just before they started towards each other…