"Lost" lovers - How would you complete the story?

Quick, before the series starts up again next week (!), write down a summary of where you would take the story from where it stands now. How would you explain the island’s disappearance? Why do the Oceanic 6 have to go back? How would you get them there? Etc.
So, let’s have a little fun with this before the real writers show us their stuff.

I’d have Gilligan wake up and realize that it was all just a dream.

I think it’s actually that Dr. Dolittle island that floats around the world.

I think the only way to make all of the weird shit work in a consistent storyline is this:

The island is actually a gigantic alien spacecraft that crashed a million years ago (give or take), and what we see now on top is the ecosystem that has developed in that time. The spacecraft included:

  • A sophisticated defense mechanism that is now malfunctioning: the smoke monster

  • A 4th dimensional rift drive that explains the teleportation/wormhole device and the strange E/M field that distorts compasses and crashes planes

  • A malfunctioning telepathic interface that takes the form of hallucinations from your past and messes with your mind (the malfunction tends to increase aggressiveness, as well as lower the IQ and information-sharing tendencies of human brains)

  • A rough model of the predicted dominant sentient species on Earth based on one outlier case: the gigantic broken statue whose only remnant is the six-toed foot (the aliens managed to abduct a 6-toed mutant)

  • A sophisticated but now malfunctioning AI: Jakob
    The story of Lost will end with the Losties discovering the fact of the spaceship and realizing that the 4-dimensional rift drive is damaged and will blow up in an explosion that may destroy Earth. It becomes a race to fix the island enough so that it can teleport one last time into space; unfortunately one person must stay behind to pull the trigger and much angst ensues. Also, the other Losties decide to execute Jack, Locke, and Kate because they’re twats. Hurley becomes the leader.

Sounds like you’ve watched too much Star Trek Voyager for your own good.

We see Kate peering through what appears to be a window. Her lips move, and she seems to be shouting, but we can’t hear her. Ditto for Sun. Snow gently falls in the background. The camera pans back, and we see that both women are actually in snowglobes on a desk. Seated at the desk, smiling and larger than life, is Benjamin Linus.

The End.

BTW, I’ve been pretty busy lately, and don’t post much, especially in this forum. Anyone else want to take over starting the threads, that would be great.

I reckon it will finish with Desmond jumping back in time to the day of the plane crash. Only this time he stays in the hatch and punches in the number. We get a musical montage of everyone safe on the plane as it continues its journey to LA then a shot of poor old Desmond all alone in the hatch.

I have absolutely no idea how they could possibly end the show (although I do love it), but I’m willing to predict that the final scene of the final episode will be another WTF moment, leaving people hanging from there, a la The Sopranos or Dallas (I think Dallas ended that way, anyhow–it was before my time). People on the internet will be divided for years to come, some arguing that it was a brilliant episode if you had gone over the previous episodes with a microscope, and some will argue that it was crap and that the writers never had any idea what the hell they were doing.

What will happen in that scene–and the next two seasons, for that matter–is anyone’s guess.