You can write that one off right now, Paris Hilton is supposed to be on it as the rude snobby rich girl. :rolleyes: Can we say “typecasting”? Then again when one can’t act having them play themself is a safe bet.
As for the dog on the island. He does seem well-fed and cared for. At first I thought he may have been in the cargo area but the way that plane was smashed I wondered if anything in cargo could have survived that. Then he was looking at the people all MYST-EER-I-OUS wiggles fingers. So there may be more to this dog than meets the eye.
I just hope the weirdness factor of the island doesn’t turn out to be really lame. Like the “monster” is really a 50 foot tall Paris Hilton starved for attention.
I’ll admit I missed most of the publicity about Lost. I had heard of it but hadn’t seen any ads. But I was home and figured at least it was something different.
But having seen it, I am underwhelmed. I’ll grant there is the makings of a good show here, but I didn’t see it tonight. The characters were barely defined (except for “the hero”), there were a number of holes in the plot, and the pacing was off. Maybe they’ll settle in and develop something. I’ll watch a few more episodes.
Then because I was already sitting in front of the TV, I happened to see an ad for the premiere of Veronica Mars, a show I had literally heard nothing about. But the ad looked good so I watched it.
Thumbs up. Granted there was a little bit too much going on but that’s excusable in a premiere. I liked pretty much the entire cast, including whatever her name is that plays the title character. This is a show I’ll be going back to.
Hopefully it will get Joan of Arcadia numbers instead of Karen Sisco ones.
Then I watched CSI:New York (not great) and a Bravo rerun of West Wing (a good episode I had missed).
I liked it! I thought the part about Chalie being in a Popular Band (forgot the name) and his little singing thing was some funny to break up the tension. I’m looking forward to next week!
Put me down as another fan, or at least someone who’s willing to give it a few more weeks, by which point I’ll be hooked even if it takes a drastic turn for the worse. I agree that it was fairly intense, but it’s an interesting premise, and as long as the monster in the woods scenario doesn’t wind up being too hokey I think the show’s in good shape. Now I can’t wait until next week.
I like it so far.
I think the dog was already there.
I hope it’s not going to be dinosaurs, that would be so cheesy and overdone.
I figured Charlie was doing drugs in the bathroom.
Why did Jack get tossed into the bamboo?
I’m not a big fan of CSI New York either. We had to turn all the lights out in the house to see the damn thing! And the characters have less personality than CSI Miami, which I didn’t think was possible.
I thought about that as well, but having owned dogs for over 20 years it’s unlikely the dog was in the cargo area.
See, it’s an obviously well-cared for dog so it’ll be used to human contact. Dogs, being pack animals like humans, will want to stay with a familiar environment. The dog was shown while the 3 were exploring and made no effort to run to them. It would have been taken by its instincts to run to the 3 for security. Also, if it was in the cargo hold, it would have been thrown a HELL of a long way to get where it was. I don’t have any inside knowledge, but I’m sticking to another civilization on the island.
Dreamer, the character is Charlie and he’s the bassist for Drivetrain. At least, that’s what he says…
I think he was thrown there, since he blacked out. It was a bit far from the mid-section wreckage (maybe?), but not if he fell out before impact. There was a shoe hanging in a tree nearby, and though we never got an aerial shot of the crash site, I was thinking we’re supposed to figure out debris was thrown everywhere.
I agree with you, I think the dog was already there, for much the same reasons duffer lists. I think the dog would have run to the passengers. I’m also another person wondering how this is going to work as a series. I’m not familiar with the actor who plays Jack, but I watched him on Jimmy Kimmel.
He did say the show will go back in time with some of the passengers so we get to learn a bit more about them, and the events leading up to them boarding the plane.
Not much of a spoiler, but it gives me hope this could work as a series, I just don’t know how long I’ll be interested without some sort of resolution. Like another poster, I started worrying about this becoming a modern Gilligan’s Island.
It’s the only new show I’m planning on watching, too.
I’d heard good things and so I tuned in and enjoyed it. How many network shows do you get to see so much blood, not to mention a guy sucked into a jet engine?
The aspect of having so many characters from different races and different walks of life should make it interesting, and the fact that they were all on a plane makes it so that it doesn’t seem so contrived.
They left a lot of questions, and I hope that can continue (like the dog, the old man, the asian couple, the black man and son seem a little off). But here’s the thing: I would figure that all those different people is enough for tension on a deserted island. So why the THING?
I don’t know. To add more tension? To act as a catalyst for the human conflict? Maybe they’ll NEVER reveal what it is – just a MacGuffin to drive the plot.
That’s what I was wondering. All I had heard was a band of people survive a plane crash on an island - I didn’t know there were scary unseen monsters on the island, too. That makes the whole thing seem like a Stephen King novel.
I’ll give it a few more weeks, but if it gets too weird, I’m giving up.
I only tuned in for Daniel Dae Kim, the Asian guy who never spoke English. He’s my TV boyfriend. I hope we get to see more of him.
After seeing Daniel Dae Kim put in thankless, yeoman effort as a guest star in so many different places, it’s good to see him get a regular gig for a change. Assuming it lasts, which I hope it does.
The man in the jet engine at the beginning was horrifying. I can’t believe they showed that at 8 p.m.!
The monstrous predator is either something fantastical, like a dinosaur or demon or giant ape, or it’s a conventional creature.
If the former, that will make this a very different series from what the pilot has led us to expect.
If the latter, I don’t know what it could be, based on what it did to the airplane pilot.
Me, I’m expecting this to be a cross between Island of Dr. Moreau and “The Most Dangerous Game.” Some evil genius lives on the island, creates monsters, and uses them to hunt humans for sport.
I am not familiar with any spoilers (la la la - can’t hear youuuuuu), but I assume:
Charlie (Dominic; Rock Star) went back to the plane to score drugs he had stashed and his need for drugs will be a recurring plot issue
the dog has been on the island and is evidence of civilization already being there - a lab doing…experiments, perhaps?
the creatures strike me as both a MacGuffin and a security policy. JJ Abrams (writer, director) typically throws a bunch of twists into the mix in Alias and while he definitely has a “grand scheme/story arc” mapped out, will change it if the feedback - in terms of ratings and online chat - points him in a specific direction. The infamous “post SuperBowl” Alias, where they shut down a few major, multi-season plot lines is a clear example. So I can see him keeping the creatures in the background for a while if the show is being received well, or moving up the timetable for their reveal if needed…
I have trouble picturing a lab doing experiments. A lab is too likely to drool into the equipment, and would be distracted too easily. Now, if the lab were a field operative for a group of border collies or terriers, that would make sense…
The dog does make for evidence that there are others on the island. But perhaps they are just survivors of a previous crash and not a full civilization.
Anyhow, I got the impression that the second half of the title should be “…World”
Does anyone know if the premier will be replayed sometime? I thought it was at 8 and missed it (woulda missed it even if I had had the time correct - I have class).