Straight from George Lucas. Is this exciting or what?
Read it here:
This guy SuperShadow is conducting the interview and is a real close friend of Lucas, so it HAS to be legit.
Straight from George Lucas. Is this exciting or what?
Read it here:
This guy SuperShadow is conducting the interview and is a real close friend of Lucas, so it HAS to be legit.
“Lucas” certainly seems to have some pretty specific details for a trilogy he’s not even thinking about.
Refresh my memory: is this the trilogy Lucas claimed he’d never even considered making?
Are y’all serious? I don’t buy that site for a hot second.
This would give Lucas well over a decade to learn how to not suck. It could happen!
Seeing as there’s no link to any official lucas website ( or and that the official sites don’t mention it and even specifically say the saga is complete. This is a load of bantha dung.
I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen a Mary Sue insert themselves into the production end of a popular franchise. Fantasizing about being Luke Skywalker’s best friend is kinda sad. Fantasizing about being George Lucas’s best friend is downright pathetic.
Suuuuuure they will! Pull the other one, it has bells on.
Won’t happen. If it does, I can only imagine how badly it will suck- Lucas has proven over and over again in recent years that not only is he not sure how to make a good movie, but he’s forgotten what anybody ever liked about his movies in the first place.
That’s an alarmingly scary site, HubZilla. The “rebuttal site” beagledave linked to is even worse in a way. In fact, they appear suspiciously similar in tone and language usage, and my first instinct is to suspect that they have both been produced by the same person or persons in order to slag off Star Wars fans. However, such an effort would seem to imply a level of fanaticism even greater than if the websites had been produced independently, so I’m not sure which is the more disturbing possibility.
Y’know, if Lucas had actually used a name instead of “SuperShadow”, and if the named person were someone other than the person conducting the interview, and if Lucas had not compared someone other than himself to God, and if he had not said that it would star a guy who, you know, DIED in Episode III, then there might be some small shred of credibility to this. Not much of a shred, mind you, but a small one.
I dont know whether his site is meant to be a joke or that he’s serious about it. When I first stumbled upon that site even I thought it was genuine…until I read that “interview” with Lucas. Supershadow is a lunatic.
George Lucas was born in 1944.
In 2021, he’ll be 77.
He’ll need to be in carbonite a few years to do a third trilogy by that time.
I’m surprised that any Doper would fall for such obvious B.S. I thought this was supposed to be the “smart” MB.
Or are we being whooshed?
Remember, most manufacturers recommend that you clean the filter grate on your sarcasmometer every three months to prevent loss of signal. A little isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab should suffice.
Absotively, posilutely. Funny thing was, this SS dude was taken with a modicum of seriousness during the prequels run-up. Naturally, these Lucas interviews all but show he was false.
Now I wonder if he’s deluded, or been putting us on the whole time.