Lynn Bodoni: Did I miss something?

Priv**i*lege. Isn’t there one o’ those “law” thingies about that? :rolleyes: I’m good.

Heh. I can’t code, either. I give up. You know what I meant. I shouldn’t’ve bothered in the first place.

[sub]See? That’s what I get when I decide to be a Spelling Bitch.[/sub]

Excuse me, I believe you mean “Spelling Nazi”.

Yeah, but I’d already invoked at least one of those “law” things and I didn’t want to get called on a Godwin’s, too.

It’s not up there forever. I planned on keeping it up there for a few days only. I’m going to keep it up there until this thread dies down, then I’ll unstick it and let it sink down the list in the course of time.

Interestingly, back in the days of Smile and Act Nice, we had a total jackass who went around, posting pictures like the one Du_Hast gave, goatsec, and all that crap. I wish I could remember his name…hint hint…

Lynn, I know that the “2 click” rule regarding links is in the FAQ, but is it worth making the rule a “sticky” post in and of itself - seems we some across this issue with amazing regularity.

If you hover your mouse pointer over a link it shows the link in the lower left corner of IE. Anything that starts off with is probably safe:)

Thank you for what may be only intelligent post, aside from Lynn’s. The rest of you are taking this wayyyy to seriously. All it is is a nasty picture. It won’t bite.

Flammsterette_X, you should be ashamed of yourself. You make stupid assumptions about my personal morals based on one post I make. That is amazingly dumb, and based on previous posts of yours, you should know better.

To all of you who clicked the link, I’m sorry, but I gave ample warning that it was a nasty picture. It’s only common sense that if you did not want to see that, don’t click the thread.


Oh, and Guinastasia, I have seen Smile And Act Nice. It is a royal hellhole deserving of any or crap it gets.

If you plant a landmine, tell someone that it’s there, and then they step on it, you are still responsible. If you post a link that is objectionable, and it goes against board rules or even gets someone in trouble at work, you are still responsible. Part is personal stupidity of the person clicking the link. The other part is you putting it there.

Sorry, but I couldn’t resist the following:

Du_Hastupgefuckt. :smiley:

Der Quasi

Way too seriously?!?!? Excuse me, but I beg to differ! Yes, it may be just “a nasty picture” to you, but haven’t you gotten it into your head yet that you violated board policy? Yes, you probably have, but some of the people who clicked on your link were very horrified and disgusted! You may have given what you felt was ample warning, and it may very well have been, but what were you thinking when you decided to post it in the first place? That’s what I was trying to get at.

Second of all, who are you to make judgements on my standards? “Judge not, lest ye be judged” is how I think the Biblical passage goes, and what I think you’re saying is that I judged you based a single post, and you’re trying to judge me (however fairly) based on my pattern of previous posts. If I came across too harshly, then I sincerely apologize. However…

You are not someone who can tell me that I ought to be ashamed of myself! I may have been assuming a little too much, but those were not STUPID assumptions! They may not have been grounded in fact, but judging from your post, they were the right ones to make at the time. I’m not going to summarily retract what I said to you, because there is one thing you must get through your head: different people have different moral (and posting) standards! While I respect the differing moral stances of people (and their posting habits), I certainly haven’t told anybody to date that they should be ashamed of themselves! (at least, not in so many words)

If this was indeed an aberration, and not indicative of your usual posting behavior, then I apologize for the harsh tone of my words. But next time, please try to get the spelling of my name right… thank you.

Du_Hast, dem’s the rules. We all abide by them. Take your warning and learn what you will if you want to stick around.


So I guess posting drivers license photos is out of the question? (It’s a fact that the DMV uses special cameras that can make a person’s face look like a club foot with two eyes, or like one of those ovarian tumors with hair & teeth that people used to think were absorbed fetal twins.)

Yes, I KNOW you have seen Smile and Act Nice, asshat.

Call me a crazy conservative dickpocket, but I saw it as much more than a nasty picture. If I wanted to, I’m sure I could make a case saying it was child porn.

It was a naked infant girl who was diseased and suffering, and somehow, you thought that would be funny and appropriate to share with the world. Did you ever think about how much pain that baby must have been in? Or if she was ever cured of what was harming her?

I’ve seen, and frankly howled with laughter over some GROSS SHIT in my day…but for some reason, laughing and distributing pictures of suffering babies ain’t my bag.


Perhaps so, but there’s nasty and then there’s nasty. I would guess that everyone who clicked on the link and had a problem with it was expected “nasty but within the type of link allowed by SDMB rules” rather than nasty.

Though I deprecate the tendency of some individuals to jump another’s shit when they complain about a moderator’s decision, it’s still the culture here that offensive images have to be shared very discreetly, if at all. Sometimes the Board is just like real life; Lord knows there are aspects of American culture that I wish I could change!! I agree with you that if you don’t want to see a picture you shouldn’t click the link, but rules are rules.

There was another poster here called Homer who got into trouble for something similar, although IIRC he had quite a track record before that incident. He might be banned now.

Aren’t those things (in some cases) called teratomas?

That would be exactly what I would say! (except, having good taste and common sense, I never clicked on the picture) It’s simply not right to laugh over diseased and suffering children, or indeed the suffering of anyone, no matter what their age is! :mad:

Yeah, what she said! Honestly, now… did you think that people who clicked on the link would see absolutely no problem with it at all??? :rolleyes: Your denseness and lack of intelligence just boggles the mind, Du_Hast… it really does!

Apparently not yet… I just did a search and he’s still a member.