Lynn Bodoni: Did I miss something?

Flamsterette X
I know you’ve been here, like, a whole month and, like, have almost a thousand posts but rest assured that those of us who were here for a touch longer than yourself do have a knowledge of the board history and did manage to keep the boards running without your input on every last damned thread.

Homer is well and truly banned and part of the issue was his repeated linking to unsuitable pictures.


<not commenting on the OP>Instead of having a sticky thread, why not have a warnings forum? Lots of boards have this and it can remind people of what not to do while not staring you in the eye, if you choose not to.</not commenting on the OP>

runs away

I think the reason why questions and complaints about moderation are to be posted in The Pit is so that said comments will be open to flaming. People complain about the moderation less if they know doing so will always result in them being flamed by certain board regulars.

Not the most admirable policy in my opinion, but understandable, and I’ve grown to accept it.

I can’t quite put my finger on it, but why do the words “hysterical” and “overly dramatic” come to mind whenever I see the name “Flamsterette_X”?

Anyway, as far as the OP - rules are rules. Get over it.

Oh, ok, thanks. Good news everyone, I lack common sense and good taste.

Let me just add that to the list of my faults.


I missed that.

You mean to tell me that all the drama from Flamsterette_X was based on something she didn’t even see?


I blame the exclamation point after every sentence. The post ends up reading as if she were shrieking and running around in circles, sporting a shiny white straitjacket.

Hope it helps!

Heh heh, only the faces change, the stories never do.
Ah well, at least drama queens are good for the occasional bit of free entertainment.


Well it didn’t take long for me to see that Lynn’s is a “scorched earth policy” but if it works for her to keep the teemings in check, so be it. I also think these call out on the floor flame threads should be closed after both parties have their final say. Then closed to the rest of the fucknuts

wow!!! Almost a thousand postings in only one month!!! Is that some kind of record???

didn’t click, but what a prick…:rolleyes:

And the faces get blurry after a while too, aens. (How’s you, BTW?)

Yeah, Primaflora, like I feel a need to input on every thread! If I did, you’d, like, see my name in all these other places on the board, you know? Like, I respect your knowledge of board hiistory, but I must take objection to the fact that you think I feel a need to comment on every last thread. I do not do this. I do not have the time to do this!

Maybe the search parameters were faulty, and for that, I apologize. It’t not like I know everything about the board, you know? I, like, try and learn what I can, that’s all.

jarbabyj, that’s not what I meant, and I apologize if it came across that way. I’m not saying everyone who clicked on the picture lacked those qualities… all I meant was that the people who post those kinds of pictures up lack those qualities. Sorry for not being more clear.

Me, a drama queen? Nah, I’m not overly given to hysterics much. However, this was a topic I felt rather strongly about. (despite never having seen the picture in question; after that description of it, I don’t think I would) That would probably explain the plethora of exclamation points. If you didn’t like the way it made my post look, I admit it could have been better presented, but that was the mood I was in at the time.

I don’t know!!! Shall we go check the SDMB records??? Almost a thousand posting in a month and a half may not be a record in and of itself, but it’s my style, baby!!!

Homer last posted about 10 days ago and is not listed as “banned.” Unless I somehow missed something, he is still a member in good standing.

As I recall, quite a while ago Homer thoughtlessly posted a very offensive link like Du Hast’s and was severely warned (especially since he had done similar things before). Unlike Du Hast, he had the good sense to apologize and accept the fact he had done something wrong. Hence he is still here.

I’m going to start a new thread about this, so we don’t hijack this one anymore.

Hey, guys, back the fuck off, okay?


my apologies. I really did think he was banned after a series of indiscretions and that he was listed a member after the board problems.

Like, totally for sure! :smiley:

I’ve known people who talk that way, but I’ve never seen someone type all the “likes”.

Anyway, hon…you did come off a bit strident here. Just calm down a bit, is all. You seem like a good sort.


this thread has used more than its quota of punctuation and capital letters please can somebody close it

Ferrous, I was sort of poking gentle fun at Primaflora’s post… nothing malicious, mind you. Just a sample of gentle humor. I don’t normally type like that! :slight_smile: