
That’s what i’m after- some fun at last.

tech chick- i said it seemed as if you were all goths- not that you were. i then furthered that sentiment in a reply to one of your postings. at no time did i actually charcaterize you as an actual goth. as for the weak attempts at humor/thread starting on my part- cie la vie- we don’t share the same tastes (o thank you mighty mighty god)

as for being ready to stand up to the members, well, you see me runnin?

as for lynn commiting a capitol offense- have i said or imlied that did? or that it wasn’t her right? nope, not anywhere. i took issue with it, to be sure. but i never even remotely suggested that it wasn’t her right. perhaps if you actually read the beginning thread, up to the present, including my posts, in whole, not jsut the parts you think will make me look bad by quoting the out of context, you might come to a different opinion.

perhaps not.

perhaps you’ll somehow be sticken with a great bolt of coherency and relevancy.

perhaps not.

thanks so much tech chick


oh stop!!! just stop you krazy kid!!!
very A+, yahs, very…

oh my stars and vertebrea, that jodi is the laffriot

Ah inor said:

< giggling furiously 'specially with Jodi’s comments thrown in the thread…BTW Jodi, loved the “Waaaahmbulance” thing I gotta remember that, I am still giggling over that! >

Oh inor (damn keep wanting to put the G in that name, slap hands) your comment hurt me, they make me want to take a razor to my wrists and a plastic bag over my head. Please I am down on my knees asking for your forgiveness.

and if you believe that, I have 100 acres on Victoria Island to sell you.

At this point at just want to step in and say the first person to post “I know you are but what am I” is going to get hurt.

tech chick- i am simply outclassed by you, aren’t i?

that ignor was the hight of sophisticated humor, yes, it was lil tech chick…

i got that. but my, the rest of it just goes riiiiiight over my little fuzzy head. i can tell it’s incredibly funny, because you posted it. but, i’m afraid i’m just not developed enough to get it.

isn’t that nice for me?
and, this way, i don’t have to go get any of those pesky antibiotics…

crunchy froooog, crunchy frooog

i’m rubber and you’re glue
whatever you say bounces off of me and
sticks to you…


:god i can’t believe i’m doing this…::wink:

Oh that’s it, gloves are off now!

And I am giving you official notice that you are on extremely thin ice here.

I’ll be expecting an apology from you to Scotti.

i have seen worse than this in many threads.
what makes this stand out?
I don’t ask in a snotty way, but i ask-

ooooooooh, i getit-
out of many retorts on my part, you chose this one to take offense to. can’t be the word ‘fuck’ in it- common occurence here in the pit.

so it must be something else.
is the answer i’m looking for to be found in your sig, eutychuss?
well, i suppose i’ll be banned now.

tra la la. guess i’ll have to go get a life. damn.
well, it was fun- to several of you i mean that, to the rest of you narrow-minded, one-sided ignorance-propogating herd animals, the last was filled with sarcasm. (after today, i feel a need to explain myself when i am being less than rock sober.)

It was a pleasure. We’ll see what our administrators (of whom Lynn is one) have to say about this.

oh, and mercutio?

your reasoning, spelling, syntax and grammar, while all very creative, dear one, do put me in mind of a funny line from years ago, which, since you seem to be still in school, tells me you probably would not know. so, i’ll expand.

Steve Martin was a funny man years ago. He still is, sometimes. in one of his shows, someone razzes him, and he makes the remark “huh, yeah, i remember my first beer”

you see, he was being a smart ass, one-upping the heckler. it was really very funny, and got lots of laughs.

and i would like to paraphrase it here-
huh, yeah, i remeber when i was a freshman in high school…

Other than the fact that it seems you are turning tail and running you said:

I have read every post you have made today, every single one, and did I not state that you were tripping over yourself into the Moderator Guillotine? If you recall that statement it was because I knew you were walking a line. I said as much because I have seen the signs in the past.

Look inor, I quoted what was appropriate in the context of what I commented on. If people want to see the entire post, they can do go back and read it.

As for your humor, please, go to clown school and get the most rudimentary understanding of what is funny and what is not. Then graduate to humor and the written word, this will further your ability to communicate with a wide audience and hopefully help you understand what is and isn’t appropriate in a new venue.

that’s the spirit, coldfire, old boy.

‘well, we’ll just see what your dad has to say about this when he gets home!’

and thanks for the clarification of lynns position- one can certainly tell you read the whole thread and the ones referenced, before so thoughtfully posting.

and yes, i know you’re a mod too. I’m kind of amazed though, by that fact. you know, given the level of your post…

well kids- i’'m gonna go be adult now, k?

wish you’d get on with the banning- it’s sooooo hard to not reply to the um, stuff here.

Is to be mentioned in the opening line of SOMEONE ELSE’S pit thread.


3 quick points.

  1. You are not doing yourself any favors by dropping MY name in the opening line of your OP. They have yet to consult me on whether or not to close even one tiny little thread, and I still haven’t received my modeator application package in the mail.

  2. I seem to do a good enough job of getting myself into trouble. Please don’t drag my muddied up name through any unnecesary dirt.

  3. I never said I found your thread funny, I was doing my best to MAKE it funny.:slight_smile:

And on to other news…

I’ll have you all know that I have my very own specific visuals of what each and every poster looks like, and is wearing while they post.

I would thank you to not interupt my fantasy world with bouts of reality.

I tried to be nice, I tried to be helpful, but you’re not working with me, inor. Help me help you. None of what you posted argues any of the points raised in mercuitio’s post. Attacking one’s spelling and syntax errors are usually the last resort of a person who has no legitimate points to make. Not to mention it looks silly coming from someone who has trouble finding the “shift” key for the purposes of capitalization.

As for Euty’s request for an apology, maybe it has something to do with the idea that your post comes across as if you meant you don’t give a fuck about Scotticher’s feelings, as opposed to anything that may be in his sig line. If this is the case, then it falls under the “Don’t be a jerk rule.” Instead of jumping to conclusions and making accusations of favoritsm, you could have waited for a response. Of course, I’d like to add on the disclaimer that I’m not a mod or admin and in no way speak for them. They will speak for themselves. This is just how I see it.

And besides, how hard would it have been to simply apologize? It wouldn’t cost you anything, you know.

yes tech chick, you did.

i assumed the mods were a little more balanced than that though, able to see that this started as a joke. you know them better than i, though. i thought, in order to be a mod for the sdmb, one would have to be cool headed, intelligent enough to follow a sequence of events and draw correct conclusions from said sequence. you know, a little above the average member. this does not appear to be the case. you were right.
but please quit with the ‘i told you so’- it’s a freakin online forum- it’s not as if i’ll be eviscerated by being banned. though, i do have to say it seems to me that many here do, in fact, feel that way. that scares me for them.

anyway, again with the coherency issues- what does that last sentence mean? new venue?

That’s what I was responding to, inor. I think your suspicion is spot on. Moderators, however, do not ban people on the SDMB. Administrators do - and they also make the decision whether or not to ban someone. Hence my comment.

Now stop acting like a tit. This is a waste of my time.

LOL Crunchy:

If it’s any consolation, as per my prior thread in MPSIMS, um, not gonna pull a link but I am going commando, aka no panties. :smiley:

Oy, this kid is hard to get information slapped in his skull.

Per my response:

< slaps inor upside the head >

comedien (sp) in a new venue…know your audience before you open mouth.