

[sub]…and BTW…commando fits rights in…Thanks…[/sub]

Um, thanks, but as Freedom pointed out, that’s not my line.

As for the second part though… Grrrrrroooowwwwl
I was gonna post something along the lines of what you were wearing earlier, but I didn’t want to hijack with mindless flirtations. Seeing the direction this thread is heading though, mindless anything would be fitting right in.

Whom, or what, is this inor person/thing?

He can’t spell for shit, and the shift key would seem to be missing from his keyboard. He’s such a nonentity, even Spellcheck won’t come out and play with him.

You could juxtapose his wit and ‘humor’ on the head of a pin, and still have room for a resplendent white-trash trailor park.

My cats have buried more interesting leavings in the litter box. At least my cats have the decency to BURY their shit. Not post them on message boards.

If this guy has anything at all to do with automation, (as he claims), I say hear! hear! for manual labor.

inor’s verbose dronings cause me to yawn uncontrollably, risking Repetitive Motion Disorder of my lower jaw at every read. Stop before I am forced to sue you for pain and suffering…

inor you seem to be missing the point here. People aren’t flaming you because of the original problem, they are flaming you because of your reactions and your subsequent interactions with them.

Maybe you could just take a deep breath, apologize for being a jerk, and start over? And I don’t mean apologize to me, but to the rest of the people you have been unkind to in this thread. Crunchy Frog, for instance, who was just trying to help. We are really good at second chances around here.

< blush >

Getting my MAN posters messed up…sorry Freedom…sorry.

Hey, if I had a camara I could show you my non-panty lines.

< giggle >

Oh and Crunchy, hope the thought at least gave you a little smile!


didn’t mention your name for some kind of alliance purposes-just to illustrate the fact that i wasn’t the only one who found it funny. those are your words up there…
sorry, didn’t mean to drag your name into/through any mud.

tech chick- you could have said it right out, instead of being so vague- so you can stop slappin me upside the head now

colfire- i am not wasting your time- you don’t moderate this forum, so you don’t have to come back here and dip into this thread- you are the one taking those actions, so i submit: you are the one wasting your time. stop being a tit.

crunchy- touche about the shift key. the comments though, to mercutio, were what they were because i am realizing that jsut because i have the sequence of events here, logic, reason, and my explanations to point to, i am not going to change his mind with those. so i spoke to him/her in terms that i felt were exactly how he posted at me.
in every reply i have posted, i have responded in kind.
if the post was not an attack on me, i have not attacked back. if the post was light-heartedly humorous, i responded likewise, and thanked the person. if the post contained vitriol directed at me, whether or not is was lamely labelled as ‘advice’, ‘friendly’, ‘godmod’ or otherwise, i responded with same. and where i have seen valid points, i have acknowledged them. and last, where someone has really raised an issue with something i have said, without the gratuitous bitchiness, i have apologised.

It gave me more than a smile, little lady. :wink:

scotti- i submit that i was yelled at first. i have responded in a manner that is so revered at sdmb, there is even an external page devoted to it- opalcats page o flames.

and crunchys comment notwithstanding, i spoke of your nerves, not your feelings. (i know crunchy- you’re ‘speculating’…)

i see no apologies coming my way. the way i see it, i was trying to throw a little party, have some goofy fun. some people came and crashed it. i let them have it- again, in a manner i have seen repeatedly employed here. so they didn’t agree with my fun- give them the right to trash me? and just about every successive poster since, including you? in essence, you post was saying, ‘hey, i have this fantastic sense of humor, but you are being such a non-funny dick that even i am getting pissed at you.’

notice, i am responding in a totally different tone to this last post of yours. you are trying to make peace. i see that. trying to get me to reconsider the error of my ways.
Thank you.

I still did not start any hostilities-
euty moved my double entendre thread
what a dick
i’m kinda hot about it
mods suck
it was a joke- no harm meant. no hostility directed at anybody. then, they start flaming me, pure and simple. i respond in a like vein, pure and simple. because they don’t find funny what i found funny. and it’s continued. no one seems cognizant of that simple fact- i have not gone out hunting these people to flame them- in all cases, they have flamed me initially

nope, not whining. and not apologizing either. given what has happened here, i find your statement about being good at giving second chances here to be not true, and i ain’t so sure i want some second chance- it implies that i think everybody who has posted here is in the right and somehow i am the shithead.


ps, i have apologised to crunchy frog, and even traded some subsequent humor with him.

i suppose this is whats bound to come from an entity called truthbot. bound to be a different frame of reference…

will admit though, yours were some of the better jabs- i enjoyed them.

you’re my kind of entity.

::repeat audio of invisible airplane wooooshing over your head here::
Did you catch the fact that the rest of my post was a ridiculous explanation of how to put links into other threads?

In fact, that reminds me, I’m kind of pissed that thread got closed.

Take a seat. IF I had the balls to flame Lynn,[sub]and I was smoking some crack[/sub] my thread would have gone like this:

oh yeah- although it wasn’t mentioned until late in the thread and it’s not been what most of the flames have even been about, and although i’m not 100% sure it’s any different than the scratch example i cited,

i apologize for cross-posting.

Are you aware that I spent considerable time trying to raise the humor in inor’s thread? WTF???

Is there any better way to educate a newbie who tries to bring MPSIMS and ATMB into the PIT??? I spent at least 10 fucking minutes of my life trying to lampoon inor in the hope that nobody else would ever dare ask how to link another thread while posting in the pit. I INVESTED this time Lynn.

Invested I say.

I typed with the full knowledge and conviction that my post would be read by many, and the hope that some would laugh. Now you have consigned 10 minutes of my life to the friggin garbage can. My investment has been STOLEN from me.

I know what you are doing. You are carrying on in your biased unfair arbitrary enforcement of Pit rules as if you own this place. Don’t you understand that this place depends on customers???

You are obviously trying to cheaply up your mod pit thread count by picking on newbies!!! In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that inor is actually just a fucking sock puppet of yours.
Sneak in a couple of posts…get yourself in trouble…switch back to the Lynn account…then come back as the sock puppet to run up your thread count!!!

Well you are stepping on my toes!!! I tried to make the thread funny!!! You wasted my life!!! How will I recover my ten minutes!!???!?!?!??!?!?!!??

This fucking board is so unfair and cliqueish. I’m going to go get my friends and start my own clique.

Then we will see who is laughing.

Of course…

I have nowhere near the balls required to start a thread flaming Lynn.

Should I ever get the urge, I will probably just take a long cold shower, chop some wood or run a couple of miles…
'Cause I really like posting on the Straight Dope:)

freedom- did you catch my subsequent post wherein i said i 'got’it, and hoped for the opp to return the fav sometime?
and smilied, to show no hard feelings?

park yer plane, k? i’m gonna bring mine out, where do you live? :wink:

i see- so you didn’t like the thread either, despite the fact that you said you found it funny.

sorry bud, trying to be friendly. guess i oughtta take it elsewhere? (huge outpouring of yesses).

i don’t know free- since you said you liked it, that’s what i thought…

now i don’t know where you’re coming from, but you seem to be saying you didn’t find it funny, and that you were trying to funny it up for me.


Welcome to the board inor.
The replay of the airplane audio was for thinking I thought the original thread was funny.


I thought the Double Entendre thread was funny. I don’t hang out in that part of the board, but I took a stroll over there to see what all the fuss was about.
Smart move on apoligizing. The board is big on second chances. Take your time, things get rough quick around here. The Pit is the wrong place to start.

I’ll be waiting for my opm, I accept checks and money orders:)

When you send that plane, gas it up, because I live in Alaska, so it is a loooong trip.

Inor, inor, inor. Many other posters have learned, to their sorrow, never to post while drunk. Perhaps you should learn from their mistakes.

Turn off your computer, put down the 40 oz, and go to bed. Trust me, you’ll thank me in the morning.

lynn- you stomped on me, i stomped back.
that’s that.
didn’t start an atmb thread, just apologised for not knowing how to do something- didn’t solicit atmb-type of advice, unknowingly (unintentionally, ignorantly)crossposted an msims thread in the pit.
flamed where i got flamed. did not think i had to treat mods with kid gloves. didn’t.
apologised where i saw it was the right thing to do. didn’t where i didn’t.
gave humor and a modicum of respect back when i got humor and a modicum of respect.

yep, i’m the devil.
yep, ya’ll are the kings of second chances.

Here’s the difference:
oldscratch opened a Pit thread about the attitudes and posters taking part in a GD thread. The Pit thread was not about banning APBTs. The GD thread was about banning APBTs. There is a subtle difference there. Also oldscratch did not write the OP of both threads.
So oldscratch did not cross-post because not only do the OPs cover different topics (related, but different), he was not the person who started both threads.

In your threads, from what I gather, you were trying to get humorous double entendres. You had originally posted the first thread in the Pit, where it was moved for being in the wrong forum. You subsequently started a 2nd thread in Pit for the exact same purpose as the first thread.

So let’s break down the differences between your and the oldscratch threads:
His thread: different topic. His OP is about attitudes and other posters in a thread angering him. It is not debating about the banning of APBTs.
your theads: humorous double entendres. Same subject, same joke, both threads.
His thread: different thread starters. oldscratch did not start the GD thread, so he was not cross-posting.
Your thread: you started both threads even after being told once this wasn’t the forum for it.

Does that clear things up?