I’ve been sweating over this day for a few weeks, and i’s finally done with!
My first day of college was today, taking a 6 week summer school course. It’s Intro to Psychology, and it rocks… 4 hours a day, 2 days a week. Piece of cake.
But I haven’t been to a school in over a year, and I was sweating my balls off thinking about it, just the usual pre-anything new-anxiety. I know I get over it after the first 15 minutes sitting in the class, but hell, I still fret over it.
THEN, I started my new job teching yoga at an eating disorer recovery center. Damn nervous about that one too, who knows how they will react to my wierd yoga!
But it went real good, they were real responsive and were goodl listeners. I had a great time.
Anyway, that was my day of anxiety, i’m just happy to get rid of the crappy anxiety feeling!
Jeez, you had both first days on the SAME day?
I would have been tied up in knots. In fact, I’d probably need some yoga just to get me wound down!
I’m glad it went well, and now you can move beyond the anxiety. Sounds like a pretty cool job, too.
hey thanks!
Yea can you believe that… talk about bad timing.
‘So macabresoul, can you start working on the 7th?’
‘umm can I have a week to prepare, I also start school that day’
‘Well we really need you to start on he 7th or our schedule will be all messed up and everyone will be yelling and screaming and throwing things and general chaos will ensue…’
‘…yea the 7th sounds good.’
Well the converstion went SOMETHING like that. 
your “weird yoga”?
what makes it weird?
glad you got the anxiety out of the way.
Whoops didn’t mean it like that. Just that most of them haven’t ever taken/or really seen yoga. So it’s a new thing to some of them, not sure how they would respond.
Hey by the way, what ever happened to those san diego dopefest pictures??
I don’t know what happened to the pics…
in fact, I haven’t seen Shayna post in a long while…
Do you use the yoga to help with the anxiety? I mean, it’s helpful that your job should lessen the stress of the schooling…