Don receives unwanted advice from Roger; Peggy and Stan do not agree on an account’s personnel; Harry requests Don’s blessing.
I wonder if we’re get to see Roger & Pete servicing Ken tonight.
Don receives unwanted advice from Roger; Peggy and Stan do not agree on an account’s personnel; Harry requests Don’s blessing.
I wonder if we’re get to see Roger & Pete servicing Ken tonight.
…the…Hell? I don’t recognize this show any more
The best worst mother-in-law. Other than that, meh.
At least this time Roger’s going after a woman old enough to be his daughter’s mother instead of his daughter. Also I think I missed something; why was Marie in such a blind panic with the movers? Didn’t Megan leave her $200 to pay them ($180 + tip) before she went to lunch.
Marie decided to fuck Don over by taking all his furniture. Except that was far more than they were contracted to take so they demanded a lot more money. She didn’t have the rest of the money so she called Roger.
Thanks, I got the fuck Don over by taking is furniture part (though the joke’s on Marie since it doesn’t look like Don gives a damn :p).
Yeah. All of those quick scenes in the beginning. Hardly any humor. Even Roger didn’t get any real good lines.
As for the rest of the episode… eh. At least Roger got some good lines in with the secretaries (“Yeah, this is a two person job…”). Don… ummm… so I guess the mystery woman he had obsessed over turned out to just be a screwed up waitress after all. And leaving her daughter was the unforgivable sin. Don, to his partial credit, has tried to stay involved with his kids in his own flawed way but also Betty left him and took the kids, he didn’t walk out on them.
I’ll admit that I was expecting Don & Diane to return to his cleaned out apartment and take it as a sign, new start, blah blah blah.
Harry’s still a dolt. Why would Don bring his rental clubs back to the office? I don’t care enough about Stan to start giving a shit about his home life in the final five episodes of the show.
Giving Megan a million bucks just struck me as dumb. And contrived that his lawyer just happened to be slow coming up? I assume that WAS the lawyer’s office they were meeting in (versus a random office where Don could have just not had his lawyer with him).
He ended up buying the clubs because Pete said that renting clubs would look bad. Presumably he bought them before the clients arrived.
Meh. The only saving scene for this one was the last one, which, while expected, was still funny.
This episode needed a cop type standing off stage saying “Sir (or madam) - take your hands away from that fly.”
I can only recognize it by the smell. It smells BAD.
It’s as if they’ve decided they must give every one of the actors one last opportunity to show up and say their piece before the show goes.
It’s not a very good strategy.
At least I’ll be morbidly amused when Sal is the only one who doesn’t show up as a callback.
This episode sucked. The entire Diane-the-waitress plotline sucked. So glad we had to wait a year for this thrilling conclusion. cripes.
Diana the waitress was a dumb plot but at least it was mercifully short compared to Sylvia (that her name? The doctor’s wife?)
I think this is the first time I have given it a “meh” and leaned dangerously close to did not like. What the hell *was *that?
I’ve never been a fan of Megan but I never pegged her as a greedy bitch. Isn’t she the one who initiated the divorce? Just seemed like her character had a big personality change.
Why are we supposed to care about Stan all of a sudden. I like him (and his luxurious beard!) just fine as a background character / comic relief. I don’t know if I even remembered he’s married.
Are we supposed to dislike the waitress? Because if that was the objective, mission accomplished.
Mr. Weiner, please tell me you have better things in store for us than this.
Also, I don’t know if Stan was just a hornball or what but between the other creative guy talking about her and Stan’s immediate darkroom humping, they set Pima up to be some super-sexy thing and I did not buy it at all. And not just physically, you can be sexy without being 22 years old and dressed in plastic wrap, but nothing about her manner or style spoke “sex” to me convincingly.
I don’t want to learn about new characters at this point.
I want to see the ad agency function- Don fantastic at his job, witty banter with Roger, creative brilliance with Peggy, expressions of tenderness and respect with Joan. I want to see some resolution of Don’s personal life, especially regarding Sally, and to see him coming to terms with the impact of his childhood and being able to finally be a functioning grown up.
I don’t want new secondary and tertiary characters!
I got the idea that the lawyers were causing most the problems but then the wine stain and her mother set her off…as well as Harry’s come-on. Still things must have already been bad enough for Don to be prepared to write the big check.
Did we have insight into Megan’s sister’s character that I don’t recall?
Megan didn’t know about the furniture theft until it was too late; trucks were on their way to California. Hope Megan has someplace to put it all. Maybe she can give it to her red-headed friend.
It was interesting to see Megan say all the things Roger predicted, even as Don said “She’s not Jane”. But, nope, there it was: wasted youth, kept her from her dreams, etc.
I get the impression that, in five or seven years, Megan will have blown through that million. She doesn’t seem destined to make it as an actress but she’ll live the life until she gets there.
Finally, probably intentionally, I’m reminded of Don buying his way out of his relationship with Midge (that her name, the artist?) back in season one. Who also blew through it and did nothing with herself.
I kinda liked it myself, but my favorite parts were definitely the Pete/Don banter, with Pete getting annoyed that Don, who forgot his golf clothes, would just throw his tie over and roll up his sleeves and the client would love that.
“Your hair smells nice.” “It’s Avon. I bought it in my living room.” Is that how that dialogue went? When they were lying in bed for precious minutes… and lolling around in their undies/towel the next morning for more precious minutes. Those scenes were so slow and ‘wth??’, took up so much time! Too much time in the car with Pete, too much Harry, the mother and sister (I didn’t know Megan had a sister) endlessly jabbering away in two languages. It was like filler, stretched out for an hour, and now the waitress is gone? MEH!