It’s that time folks. It’s time to plan out our next feast of spirits, sustenance and debauchery and to celebrate there’s been a name change for our little fest. We are now the MADinner. Why? Because AAA sucked because you couldn’t search for it and AAAA made it look like my keyboard was stuck.
For those not in the know (those in the know can skip this paragraph) the MADinner meets once a month somewhere in the Baltimore/D.C. area and is a chance for dopers to get together and enjoy each others company and a good meal. We move the location around every month to try and give as many people a chance to attend and nothing is set in stone from the restaurant to the day to the time, so if you think by switching one of those we might draw in more people then pipe up, we’re eager to hear from you. Everyone is welcome, whether they have one post or fifty thousand and feel free to bring a friend or twenty, the more the merrier.
Right now we’re looking at having this Dinner on Friday. May 30 at, oh say, 8:00PM. That only leaves the question of where.
Here are a couple of lists of possible establishments that we could meet at and I’ve been to a great deal of them and can tell you that they all have good food and clientele, however since it is on a Friday they’re likely to be a little packed with drunken junior squiddies so I’d recommend The Ram’s Head, McGarvey’s or perhaps The Treaty of Paris Restaurant (I’ve never been to this one, but I’ve heard it’s very good albeit a bit pricy). Middleton Tavern might not be a bad place either but I’ve never eaten there at night so I can’t comment on the noise level. Feel free to take a look at some of the other restaurants though, they’re all pretty good (except for Buddy’s).
Also, parking in Annapolis can be a bit of a bitch so let me give a couple of suggestions on that front. Here’s a map of downtown Annapolis and if you have any trouble finding a parking space your best bets are the parking garage on Gorman Street (south-east of State Circle) or you can park on the streets in the southern part of downtown in the Charles Street area (just move your car by 8:00AM Saturday).
And a little bit of trivia about Annapolis: Were you aware that for short period of time Annapolis was the capital of the U.S.? Why do I bring this up? Because I’m bored, that’s why.
After the mysterious exchange of emails, this might seem like a bit of an anticlimax, but might I suggest moving this to Clarksville? I know Annapolis was the target spot for those MADs between the two cities, but Clarksville is just as close as Annapolis for the Blues crew, for example, and I’ve found the best Mexican resturant I’ve ever been to in Clarksville. Parking and crowds are not a problem either.
Well, we’re also trying to keep it moving around. We’ve done Laurel, which is in the same general neck of the woods as Clarksville. And I’ve got a recommendation for a Mexican restaurant in Annapolis, the Mexican Cafe, from someone who I strongly suspect of knowing her Mexican food. It’s on Bay Ridge Road, away from both the City Dock area and where the mall and big-box stores are on the west side of town, but still easy to get to via the Aris T. Allen expressway and Forest Drive.
Besides, I was looking forward to one of these happening in my backyard!
Put me down for “definate maybe”. The TeleTronOne Wagon of Love (yes, the generic green 626) is having some problems and I’m not sure if it will make it out to the Annapolis area. Maybe I can hitch a ride with another NOVA doper if any are planning on going.
It’s also two days before my birthday, yay!
On that note, happy belated to Ginger! I meant to say something in the lunch bunch thread but the hamsters ate it
I’ll come! I had a really nice time last time, and hopefully I can stay longer this time.
Anyhow, just tell me which place you decide on. Any of the restaurants you mentioned are fine with me. I can go online to get the directions or call them or something.
This oughta be the last bump before Friday, let’s see if we can get anyone else in.
As I’m reading it this is a list of people who it’s safe to bet will be there: GingerOfTheNorth
Everyone else seemed a bit iffy or didn’t say one way or another whether or not they were going to attend. I’m going to make reservations tomorrow so some confirmations would be appreciated.
Also we need to decide where we’re going to eat at.
On a bit of a down note I might not make it or I might be late because my evil job has decided to schedule me on Friday night. I’m still trying to get out of it, but let’s see what will happen.
Oops! I owe you guys a report on the Mexican Cafe, and I got kinda distracted while organizing Sunday’s picnic.
The Mexican Cafe was a kick-ass place, but it’s small. However, they do have outdoor tables. If the weather’s passable, a decent-sized group can sit together outside. Inside, booths for four are as good as it gets.
Since the original name of this gig was “Alcohol and Appetizers Appreciation”, let me say two things: (1) very potent, very good margaritas; (2) the taquito plate I had for an appetizer was first-rate, and big enough to be an entree.
The entrees were huge. Might as well just do appetizers and drinks, really. When dinner comes, and splitting an appetizer plate with the wife has mostly filled you up, and you’re already unfit to drive on half a margarita, you’re in little shape to judge the entree!
So if it’s a small group for Friday, let’s do the Mexican Cafe. If we’ve got more than ten people, we should probably do one of the other Annapolis spots, or go with Dave’s suggestion up in Clarksville, and save Annapolis for another time.
Oh, I would so love to come to this and see you guys (the last time I was at a Dopefest was Geobabe’s and Bill’s engagement party last summer). But alas, I have to work that night.
Next time, though. I still haven’t met Ginger! I definitely have to fix that.
Eek! I hate to bow out on such short notice but I’ve been doing a lot of driving lately, and as you all may or may not know, driving is not one of my favorite things to do. My nerves are pretty frazzled.
All this by way of saying, I am chickening out because I am afraid to drive as far as Annapolis, and especially home again after dark. I’m pretty neurotic about stuff like that. Some times are better than others, and lately it’s been pretty bad. Put that together with the fact that that I’ve had to do a LOT of driving that I was not able to avoid, and I’m shaking like a damn chihuahua. I need to give the driving a rest for awhile, I think, which sucks, because I really wanted to come and hang out with you all. I’m sorry, guys. I’m just really neurotic about driving. I feel even worse because your original guest list was so small. I’m such a weirdo.
I hope you all have a wonderful time, though, and can find it in your hearts to forgive my silliness.