Mafia Reunion - Day One

I’ve been burned a few too many times by coming out super-aggressive and I’m trying to be more laid back. The volume of posts vs. my available time is not helping the matter. =P

That said, I think I will get on the record…

Stop right there. In a game about information, you don’t avail yourself of free, high-quality information?

vote AngeloftheNorth

I have plenty of patience for lurkers, but this smacks of either affected naivete or unproductive unconcern.

I do still also suspect Colby11, but I want to observe how they react to the ongoing ebb and flow of votes longer before I commit over there. Misphrasing MAY be a scum tell, but actively ignoring information is blatantly anti-town.

Normal Phase is in a lesser version of the same boat as Colby11, in my book, but he’s also proffered a reasonable explanation for his verbal confusion over what the bad guys are called singly and collectively.

Personally, I think we all should be making an extra effort to be super clear on whether we’re talking about “scum”, “mafia”, or “wolves”. Right now it’s mostly not as important as if (for example) we get to endgame with the two scum teams imbalanced relative to each other, so let’s start forming good habits now.

I’m actually amused that the Idle Claims thing is so ingrained it’s only been mentioned in a meta sense when explaining what’s happened so far. =P

I’m with **Plankton **on the “Scum WOULD do that” thing, if “that” is "deliberately mix ‘conventional wisdom’ scum tells with ‘conventional wisdom’ town tells in order to generate as much free WIFOM as possible. Doubly so, I’d think, when we’ve got two scum teams trying to hide from each other as well as from us.

I’m spending a lot of time thinking about ways the two scum teams could change their play in light of the fact there are two of them, because IIRC this is the first game I’ve been in with more than one true scum team (not counting third parties, or Malazan, natch). I suggest everyone spend some cogitation time on “what would a scum do differently knowing there’s a second scum team that also needs to go” and work from there–ideally, by a later Day at least some of us will have some ideas that might match play patterns in-game that wouldn’t (by virtue of them being kept under our hats until then) be able to be gamed by scum (as I’m sure “third vote is always…” and such are).