Mafia: The Conspiracy: The Forbidden Thread

This thread is for outside observation on the Mafia: The Conspiracy game.

If you’re playing in the game: STAY OUT. Since players can come back to life, I ask recently killed players to stay out of here until I confirm their final demise. Be careful about revealing important information in any case. And since some dead players can still participate, they’ll have to stay out until the game is over.

Everyone else, feel free to speculate. There’ll be lots of false claims and other potential treacheries, so observation should be fun. :smiley:


I have been looking forward to watching this game more then most of the television that is starting this week.

I am crazy excited.

oh and by the way. If anyone wants to play but didn’t make it into Pleo’s game, Kat and I need a sub for the off board game.

The board is here: PM me or Kat either here or on that board.

Last time I will plug the game I am running (probably).

Posting to Subscribe… this game was too complicated for my simpleton brain to grasp, but I may be available for subbing if necessary, so let’s keep the information to the minimum here.

Hey, so the game has started!

It’s Night so nothing interesting is likly to happen for a little while. But who knows, major points of discussion in the Firefly game were generated by people’s behaviors durring the first Night.

Anyone other than USC and myself watching this thing?

Well, I’m watching. In the same sense a referee watches a game. :slight_smile:

So far, it’s been rather calm. Do you think Dopers are now experienced enough at these games to avoid the raving accusations? Or, since everyone is a “power” role, will everyone try to lay low?

That is actually what I am most interested to see. With no vanilla town, and with everyone knowing there is no vanilla town, I am wondering if the “traditional” style of game play, as we have come to know it here, will change.

I think the game won’t work if everyone tries to lay low. Laid back playing and “flying under the radar” will hand the game to the scum, because the town will never get any information. So eventually that tendency will break. But my prediction is that we will have a period of more relaxed and quiet play as everyone tries to feel out what is going on.

Idle is on the right track, I think. They’re just going to badger people into role claims day 1 anyway. A mass claim, investigators be damned, seems the way to go. I could be wrong though…

They only thing that I can see going wrong is it taking too long to sort out the confusion of false claims. Otherwise, I too think it is a good plan.

Giving anything away, I’ll say the Sides are balanced, even taking into account ploys such as limited and mass Role claims.

Pleonast has mentioned several times that not all roles will be used in the game. All the scum has to do is wait until all the townies have claimed and then either claim Freemason or one of the unused roles. Then the town is fucked.

The proper way to do it would be to set up as random an order as you could, or just use the player list, so scum couldn’t wait until the end.

Looks like the players are starting to parse the rules carefully. I’ve had several PMs with questions, two general enough to put the answer in the game thread. I’m archiving all PMs on the secret site, so it’ll be possible to see everything at the end of the game.

Good idea. Seeing what the players were thinking durring the game is always the most interesting thing.

Ah, looks like the voting deadline and the cold realization of what “everyone can role-claim” means has finally started some blood fights. :slight_smile:

Lord this game is compelling. Nice work Pleo.

Question, I have seen this acronym: BUTTVAASTIAST
a couple of times at this point, but somehow missed the original non-acronym version of the phrase. What does it mean?

Hmm, I’m not sure, either! They’re keeping me busy with votes and PMs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting about Dio voting in red, not once but twice (once unsuccesfully). I know he knows what the vote colors are because they are the same as in Firefly (where he has voted and unvoted numerous times.) I wonder what it might mean. I don’t think it is an accident.

Wow, Day 1 was exciting! I thought that Rysto’s no lynch movement might have picked up enough steam to work. Shame that the boards going down put a crimp in the towns plans. Maybe they will plan better next time.

Well, too bad for One and Only Wanderers. Lynchees cannot come back from the dead, but it’s better if he doesn’t say much here until his Role is revealed to the Town.

I got to say my early ruling about board outages was rather prescient. :smiley: