Mafia V: The Cult of Sekham

At the beginning of time, a pair of deities, the god Sekham and the goddess Nairu, crafted the world. They began as partners, forming the sun and the Earth together. When Sekham created the land, Nairu created the sea. Slighted by being outdone, when Nairu created the sky, Sekham created the heavens. As either created, the other would create something more glorious, until all that is was. Though Sekham was angry, Nairu, in time, convinced him it would simply be better to part; Sekham would rule the West, and Nairu, the East.

Many centuries passed, and the people of the East flourished. They had civilization, technology, and art. The West, however, was a different story. They were plagued with tribal and feudal dispute, and only privy to the technology they’d managed to steal from the East. In all this time, Sekham’s resentment grew until he could contain his wrath no longer. So he gathered his followers, raised an army, and thus began the great war of the ancients had begun.

In the end, Sekham’s followers had been all but wiped out, and Nairu, in her fury, banished him deep beneath the very Earth he had created. His few surviving followers were ostracized and faded into forgotten history. In the coming millennia, her followers have spread and populated the whole of the Earth and peace has reigned since. At least, that’s what they teach…

Recently, rumors have spread that a cult of Sekham’s followers may have recently begun assembling in the village. Over the past several weeks, various citizens have found the burned carcasses of farm animals, apparently ritualistically sacrificed. Worst of all, this morning the high priest has been found slain; his heart and eyes carefully removed with a sharp knife, before having been set aflame. Panic spread through the village, and the people anxiously gathered in the temple to discuss how to deal with this threat.

Through many hours of debate and raised tempers, a decision is reached. Each day, after plenty of discussion, any who is thought to be a heretic shall be tried. Because Nairu created the water only one pure in her faith can be submersed in water that has been blessed by her priests. Anyone who should fail to be submersed must not be a man (or woman) of faith, and shall promptly be burned at the stake. Unfortunately, anyone who can be submersed will promptly drown. Clearly, it is not a perfect solution, but the town reluctantly agrees knowing that at least they will know the alignment of the dead, and still be able to give last rites to the faithful.

Please wait to sign up until I have all of the intial posts made.

To follow:

Role Summary
[Please do not report this thread; I have received permission from **SkipMagic ** to begin this thread]


Citizen - You are hard working, going about the tasks that make the village run. And so while you may not be the most devout in your faith, you are nonetheless a follower of Nairu and the teachings of her priests. Each day, you will have one vote in the village gathering to attempt to route out the followers of Sekham. However, you still have your job and your family to attend to, thus you will not be able to discuss any repercussions during the night.

Priest - You are a renowned Nairu priest from a distant village and, thus, you don’t expect you will be recognized by any of the citizens here. Upon hearing of the cult’s presence, knowing that the problem will only spread, you have gathered your belongings and traveled here to do what you can to stop this menace dead in its tracks. During the day, you will hide among the citizenry and be able to cast a vote just as any of them; however, at night, you will be locked in prayer and unable to discuss any repercussions during the night. For your nightly prayer, you may choose any one citizen to bless (including yourself). This blessing will make him an unfit sacrifice to the god Sekham, and ward off any who should see fit to slay him; further, it will protect him from attacks on the mind by the prophet and keep him from being forcibly converted. Unfortunately, in your haste to depart, you only brought enough reagents to do one extremely powerful prayer that will protect ALL citizens from death and conversion; however, it is extremely draining, and you will be unable to perform any effective prayers on the following night. Because of your strong faith, an attempt by the prophet to convert you will fail.

Disciple - You are one of the countless pupils of the renowned priest. Upon hearing of his journey, you decided to follow him and aid him as best as you can. Thus, while you know his identity, you will not be recognized by him. During the day, you will hide yourself among the townsfolk and be able to vote like any of the rest of them; however, at night, you will be locked in prayer and unable to discuss any repercussions during the night. Unfortunately, you are not far along in your training, and thus your nightly devotions will sometimes fail to bless your target (50% of the time; if targeted more than once, 50% will apply to each killer’s success); however, you will always succeed in protecting your target from forced conversion by the prophet. If the priest has not used his reagents prior to his death, you will be able to obtain them and use them for a one time boost to allow you to bless any two individuals such that they will be unfit as a sacrifice to the god Sekham, or any intent of slaying him, and be unable to be recruited; however, it will exhaust you and you will be unable to perform any effective prayers on the following night. Because of your strong faith, an attempt by the prophet to convert you will fail.

Oracle - You are a practicer of a rare sect of the Nairu beliefs, as such your ability to see the motivations of others is rare and unknown outside of the dark corners of the land. You have grown accustomed to hiding in the shadows and thus, will easily pass yourself off as a regular citizen by day. At night, you will engage in a ritual that will allow you to see into the heart of one individual and determine if he is or is not a believer. Further, if he has dedicated his life to serving Nairu, you will learn the true depths of his faith. However, even your great power is outmatched by the prophet, and he will fool you into thinking he is a believer. If you are forcibly converted, because your mind has been twisted, you will no longer have the mental focus to perform your nightly rituals.

Apprentice - As a child, you once met the Oracle and he gave you wondrous insight into his sect. As such, you are aware of his identity, but he has long since forgotten about you. Inspired, you have spent many hours researching and studying the specific rituals of the sect and have learned some of the same powers that he possesses. Each night, you will have a chance (50%) of learning the beliefs of your target otherwise, because of your lack of skill, you may receive an incorrect reading of another player at random (i.e., the randomly selected from the actual distribution of roles). However, because you still have much to learn, you continue to seek the tutelage of the Oracle. If you are the target of one of the Oracle’s rituals, you will become his student and on each night, including the night you are discovered, your accuracy will improve (+ 10%, up to 80%), as long as the Oracle lives. Upon the death of the Oracle (regardless of whether or not you were his student), you will be able to obtain his crystal ball; this will greatly improve your accuracy (+20%, No-Reading instead of False-Reading). If you are forcibly converted, because your mind has been twisted, you will no longer have the mental focus to perform your nightly rituals.

Monk - Since your youth, you have dedicated yourself to a life of humility, prayer, and a vow of silence and have lived your life at a monastery just outside the village. Upon learning the news of the cult, you have gathered with your fellow monks and decided that, due to this dire emergency, you must run to the town to assist. While you all are well aware of the faith of your brethren, because the monastery does not allow outsiders to enter, you will not be recognized by any of your fellow citizens. As such, you will be able to pass yourself as a regular citizen in the town; however, upon returning to the monastery each night, you must continue to observe your vow of silence. Because of your strong faith, an attempt by the prophet to convert you will fail.

Crusader - You are a quite the zealot and take the legends a bit too seriously. Until the arrival of the cult, you were concerned about the rumors of non-believers in your midst; now that the cultists are here, you see it as a full on assault of the faith. As such, you see it as your duty to take up arms and slay whomever you even think may not be a believer. At night, you will take your sword to his home to dispatch him. Sometimes (50%) you will lose your nerve and fail to kill. You need not kill every night, but you may not go two consecutive nights without attempting. If you have not attempted a kill on the previous night, because you spent the previous night dwelling on it, you will not lose your nerve. When all cultists have been uncovered, you will not be satisfied (i.e., unable to win) if you have not killed at least one non-believer (including pro-town) AND there are no non-believers remaining alive (including pro-town). If you are forcibly converted, because your mind has been twisted, you will lose your zeal and, thus, not be willing to continue in your night crusades.


Alchemist - You were raised as a believer of Nairu but, having been lured by the specter of creating gold, you have since lost your faith. As such, upon hearing of the cultists, you fear that your head may roll with theirs because of the sudden fear of non-believers and, thus, must lay low. Though you are not fond of the methods being used by the town to discover the cultists, you do find them preferable to being a sacrificial lamb. Thus, during the day, you will attempt to pass yourself off as a regular believer, but at night you continue to work your concoctions. Because of your scientific skill, you have devised a concoction that you can apply to an individual to put him into a deep sleep (preventing a night action, if a cultist, a chance of blocking the ritual based on the total number of cultists remaining [1/n]). However, sometimes (25%) your greed gets the best of you, and you will instead waste your night attempting to create gold. Because of your lack of faith, you will appear to the Oracle and Apprentice (if he is accurate) as a non-believer.

Non-Believer - Even when you were a child, you simply did not “feel” the faith, and simply gave it up as you grew into adulthood. Much like the Alchemist, you are afraid of your lack of faith being clumped in with the Cultists, and have decided to show up and vote as a regular citizen. But just like any other town-folk, you have a job and a family to take care of and thus will be unable to discuss anything at night. Because of your lack of faith, you will appear to the Oracle and Apprentice (if he is accurate) as a non-believer.

Psychopath - You are much like the other non-believers; you simply don’t believe. However, unknown to even yourself, you are not exactly “well” in the head. When the Cultists or the Crusader attack you at night, you will awaken startled and barely manage to scare off your attackers; however, because you were unable to identify them in the dark, your paranoia will set in. You’ve HAD IT with these people and their crazy beliefs imposing them on you. You will make it your mission to get rid of ALL Believers and Cultists alike. Thereafter, you may attempt one kill per night. You will not be satisfied if even one believer or cultist remains alive. However, if you are never attacked at night, you will not become the Psychopath, and will be able to win with the same conditions as the other Non-Believers. Because of your lack of faith, you will appear to the Oracle and Apprentice (if he is accurate) as a non-believer; however, upon going mad, they will be able to discover your ulterior motives.


Cultist - Of course you’ve heard the story about how things came to be, but you know it to be wrong. It was, in fact, the Nairu who inspired her followers to invade and destroy the simple peoples under Sekham’s just rule so that she may rule the whole of the Earth. And afterward, to add insult to injury, she cast him into an Earthen prison. You are descended from these ancient people, and the wrath of your god flows through you; he demands the blood of her followers. However, conquest is not an option because you are few in number and will be slain at the slightest hint of your true beliefs. As such, you will pass yourself off as a regular citizen each day; but at night, you will choose a citizen and, if accepted by Sekham, you will slay him and offer him up as a sacrifice. The Oracle and Apprentice are unable to tell that you are a cultist, only that you do not follow Nairu, and as such will simply appear as a non-believer.

Prophet - The blood of many great prophets of Sekham flows in your veins and you have spent your life studying to become a powerful leader. As such, you hold dominion over all the cultists (i.e., the tie breaking vote). Your power allows you to shield yourself from the prying eyes of the Oracle and Apprentice, and if you are targeted, will show up as a believer. Further, you also have the power to twist the minds of weak spirited individuals. One time, you may spend a night to perform a powerful ritual, twisting the mind of a non-cultist and forcibly converting him to a follower of Sekham; however, this ritual requires the assistance of all of your cultists, and will prevent a sacrifice to Sekham on that night. Further, because the recruit is the result of twisting his mind and not a change of heart, he will ALSO continue to appear as he would previously would to the Oracle and Apprentice. Because the ritual requires a powerful prophet, the cultists will be unable to perform it if the prophet is dead.

Avatar - You believe yourself to be as any other cultist; however, you are very special in the eyes of Sekham. Unbeknownst even to you, he intends to use your body as his Earthly form when the time has come to raise his army once again. Until then, you will continue to behave as any other cultist; however, upon your death, he who is most responsible (chosen randomly among all voters) will incur the wrath of Sekham and will be smitten. Because the Crusader and Psychopath operate in the veil of night, Sekham will be unaware either is the culprit if he targets and kills the Avatar at night. Further, because of the great evil flowing in your veins, the Oracle and Apprentice will make no mistake identifying you and cannot mistake anyone else as you.

There will be a secret role.

Hmm, the secret role makes me nervous, but since I expect to be chained to my desk for the next four weeks(with much of that being downtime while I wait on people to fix stuff for me to get my part done) I think I’ll apply for a slot at this one.


ETA: FOS storyteller0910!


First and foremost, this is a game. Please enjoy yourself. If you are not, may request to be subbed out.

There will be 30 player slots available on a first come, first serve basis. I will also keep a substitution list of anyone who does not get in the initial 30 players and will be subbed in as needed.

All players will need to have PMs enabled (to receive role assignments and potentially send night instructions). All players will also need their e-mail addresses in their profile (to potentially be invited to the cultist discussion group).

I will begin passing out roles approximately 24 hours after all slots have been filled/confirmed to ensure that everyone has had ample time to ask questions. I will extend this time if necessary.

I will not have a hard rule on minimum posts per Day; however, if there are complaints of non-participation, I will reserve the right to forcibly sub out a player who is not actively participating. Please make any complaints about inactivity to me via PM or e-mail.

All rule and role questions after roles have been handed out should be sent to me via PM or e-mail. If appropriate, I will respond in the game thread; otherwise, I will respond via the method in which I was contacted.

This is a game of subtlety; therefore, you may not edit your posts in this thread at any time for any reason. If you need to correct grammatical or factual errors, please correct them in a follow-up post instead. I will only warn once or twice; thereafter, anyone who edits his posts may be forcibly subbed or mod-killed, depending on how far into the game the edit occurs.

As is the running tradition, this game will also have a commentary thread that is forbidden to live players. While there is no way to enforce that active players remain outside the thread, you are on your honor to do so. If you accidentally view any information in the forbidden thread, please request a substitution.

Please make any requests of me (vote counts, day end time, clarifications, etc.) in green. Otherwise, I may miss the request if I am in a hurry.

Each Day will last 5 regular days. Each Night will last 2 regular days.

During the day, all players may strategize, analyze, vote, or discuss whatever is on your mind.

All votes must be made in Blue, or they will not be counted. All un-votes must be made in Red, or they will not be counted. You may vote as often or as little as you like; however, you must un-vote before changing your vote.

Any votes or un-votes made after the deadline (even if I have not officially announced it) will not be counted.

If at any time a candidate receives a majority of the town’s votes, a 12-hour countdown will be initiated. If the player still holds a majority at the end of the countdown, the day will be ended early. This countdown will only be in effect if I am available to announce it.

If at the end of the day two or more candidates are tied, the day will be extended 12-hours. During that time, you may change your vote as often as you like, but you may only change it to one of the candidates who was in the tie. If two or more candidates are still tied at the end of the extended period, the lynchee will be selected randomly from the tied candidates.

If a Day begins with 20 or fewer players remaining, the Day shall be reduced to 4 regular days. If a Day begins with 10 or fewer players remaining, the Day will be reduced to 3 regular days.

You may not strategize, analyze, or vote. However, you may discuss general chat topics, pretend to drink, etc.

Each role with a night action must send me an e-mail or PM with their action or non-action by the end of the night. If I have not heard from you by that time, you will have no night action.

The Cultists will have an off board discussion group created that they will use for their Night discussions and voting. There, they will be permitted to strategize and vote/un-vote during the Night; however, they may not strategize or vote/un-vote in that group during the Day.

If all Night instructions are received prior to the end of the Night, the Night will end early.
Ending Conditions:

The Town wins if there are no Cultists remaining. All Pro-Town roles win (special roles excepted). All Cultists lose.

The Cultists win if they equal or exceed 50% of the Town population. All Non-Cultists lose.

The Crusader wins if no Cultists or Non-Believers remain and the crusader killed at least one Cultist or Non-Believer. All Believers win.

The Non-Believers win if there are no Cultists remaining and the Believers equal or exceed 50% of the Town population. Believers and Cultists lose.

The Psychopath wins with the Non-Believers if he is not activated. If he is activated, he must remain alive. All Believers and Cultists lose.


Citizen/Believer - No special role. Investigates as a “Believer”.

Priest (Doctor) - Blesses one person (possibly himself) each night, protecting him from all night kill attempts and a conversion attempt. He can perform special “Protect All Citizens” action once during the game but will be powerless the subsequent night. Cannot be converted. Investigates as “Priest”.

Disciple (Faith Healer) - Knows who the Priest is. He can bless a player to give 50% night kill protection (per kill attempt) and 100% conversion protection. If the Priest dies without having used the special “Protect All Citizens” power, the Disciple gains a one-time-use power to protect two people in the night but will be powerless the subsequent night. Cannot be converted. Investigates as “Disciple”.

Oracle (Detective) – May learn the role of one player each night, with exceptions (see individual roles). In particular, the Prophet appears as a “Believer”. Power lost if converted. Investigates as “Oracle”.

Apprentice (Beat Cop) – He Knows who the Oracle is. May learn the role of one player each night with 50% accuracy; incorrect results are drawn from the actual role distribution. If targeted by the Oracle, accuracy improves by 10% that night and subsequent nights up to 80% as long as the oracle is alive. If/when the Oracle dies (regardless of previous rule’s activation), accuracy improves 20% and false readings become blank readings. Power lost if converted. Investigates as “Apprentice”

Monk (Mason) – They knows who other Monks are. Cannot be converted. Investigates as “Monk”.

Crusader (Vigilante) - He gets a night kill with a 50% success rate unless he opted not to kill the previous night, in which case the success rate is 100%. Cannot opt out of killing twice in a row. Special win conditions (see below). Powers and win conditions lost if converted. Investigates as “Crusader”.

Alchemist (Miller + Role-Blocker) – May prevent night actions of one player each night, but fails 25% of the time. If a cultist is targeted, the cult’s sacrifice is stopped with probability 1/n, n=number of cultists alive at the beginning of the night. Power lost if converted. Investigates as “Non-Believer”.

Non-Believer (Miller) - No special power. Investigates as “Non-Believer”.

Psychopath (Serial Killer) - A simple Non-Believer until targeted in the night by the cultists or the crusader. If so targeted, he must kill a target night and a new win condition will apply (see below). Investigates as “Non-Believer” if un-activated; investigates as “Psychopath” if activated.

Cultist (Mafia) – They Know who the other Cultists are. They communicate with them at night and vote for the cult’s night kill (“sacrifice”) or conversion target. Investigates as “Non-Believer”.

Prophet (Godfather) - Special cultist. He has the tie breaking vote among cultists. Once, while alive, he can spend one night converting a Non-Cultist but the Cult’s sacrifice will be skipped that night. A Converted player appears to the Oracle/Apprentice as they did before conversion. Investigates as “Believer”.

Avatar - Special cultist. Unaware of being the “Avatar”; if lynched, a random person who voted for him will die in the night immediately. Investigates as “Avatar”; the Apprentice will NOT receive a false reading.
End conditions

The Town wins if there are no Cultists remaining. All Pro-Town roles win (special roles excepted). All Cultists lose.

The Cultists win if they equal or exceed 50% of the Town population. All Non-Cultists lose.

The Crusader wins if no Cultists or Non-Believers remain and the crusader killed at least one Cultist or Non-Believer. All Believers win.

The Non-Believers win if there are no Cultists remaining and the Believers equal or exceed 50% of the Town population. Believers and Cultists lose.

The Psychopath wins with the Non-Believers if he is not activated. If he is activated, he must remain alive. All Believers and Cultists lose.

Current Players:
(All for whom I reserved a spot, please confirm you’re still interested).

1*	ArizonaTeach
2*	USCDiver
3*	Idle Thoughts
4*	Zuma
5*	HockeyMonkey
6*	storyteller0910
7*	NAF1138
8*	sachertorte
9*	SnakesCatLady
10*	Malacandra
11	Mtgman

Finally it’s up!

I don’t know about anyone else, but I have been chomping at the bit to start this next game.

Thanks in advance for doing this Blaster. Good luck to ya! :smiley:

I am so excited about this game. I think it’s going to be absolute madness. When do you anticipate kicking off the actual playing?

EDITED TO ADD: Oh, and yes, confirmed, I wanna play.

Yay! Mafia V!

Oh! Oh!

raises hand

I’ll play!

Woohoo! Count me in!

I’ve been excited to get this started too (just ask my fiancée). Hopefully, if we get 30 people quickly, I can get out the role PMs tomorrow, and then begin as soon as everyone has confirmed their role. So, hopefully Wednesday or Thursday.

Dude, you’re going to have 30 people by the time I finish the bowl of soup I’m having for lunch.

Looks fun!

In the very unlikely event you don’t get enough players, I’d like to play. But please put me at the end of the line, so that those new to the game get a chance.

I’m #1! I’m #1!!


I can put you #1 on the sub-list, if you’d like. I don’t have much issue with you playing if you’ve played before, because there’s already three or four newer people.

Either way works for me! Can you promise me a non-Mason role? :wink:

I could, but it won’t mean anything. If you don’t wanna be a Monk, you’ll have to take up that issue with :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll add you to the player list.

I want in!

I think whoever happens to be directly above me is completely trustworthy, no matter how many scum tells you may think you see.