Make up some Monkey Haikus!

After that pool ball
All food is first shoved up ass
It just seems safer

Davy Jones: Monkees
They say he monkeys around
Daydream believer

(ok, I know it’s not what you meant)

Grooming my sibling
Picking off the ticks right now
Just a little snack

George was curious
And fictional but Koko
Was a real monkey

When I become bored
Monkey hand meets monkey gland
Avert your eyes, please

I once had a job
I was an organ grinder
Now it’s a hobby

Last two, then I have to go see about joining a support group because of all this…

Monkey shaped crater
Pressed deep in the jungle floor
Guess he missed his vine

Get in the truck Clyde
Is what Eastwood said to me
I made a fart noise.

If I ever meet
The banner ad creator
He’ll be the one punched

With a graceful swing
Cheetah saves Jane and the day
Tarzan can piss off

Fling Poo, Masturbate
Try unrinating in mouth
Monkey days, so full

How can his small brain
beat me at Hungry hungry
Hippos? Damn monkey

Russian space monkey
Beats astronauts and cave men
Watch out for Lance Bass

Best Actor Oscar
Monkey Alcoholism
Goodbye, Mr Chips

Head lice sparkle, gleam
Scratch scratch - my days are joyful
Would you like some dung?

These are great!

I feel like I must post a haiku but I am not that good at it (I hate counting syllables).

Headache, hemorrhage
organ failure, shock and death
Green Monkey Disease

Have A Banana
I’m The Jungle V.I.P.
Have Two Bananas
Get your hands off me,
You dirty ape! (He can talk!)
NO! They blew it up!
(Okay, I know that
Apes are different from Monkeys.
Why don’t you sue me.)

Congo, Congo. (Sigh)
Crichton, what were you thinking?
Had Tim Curry, Though
Folks say we primates
Fling poo all day long. Untrue!
We also throw puke.
I’m a lab monkey.
Name’s 11583-G
Hope you guys cure AIDS…
Who’s sending pictures
Of me and my friends to the
Barenaked Ladies?

The Earthbound monkey
You know, that cool little guy
Bubble Monkey rocks

Close not the circus
Simply because the monkey
Has a bloody nose

My little monkey
Fling dung at the face of God
Arise, fate awaits

Me Hockey Monkey
Monkey Check Pass Shoot and Score
Me Monkey Ice Whore

He speaks with his hands
Learning to sign grammar, words:
“Door Cat Snack Flower.” :smack:
(c) 2004 :stuck_out_tongue:

The monkey stands up
All nature waits for his song
The little fucker

Monkey paw, so dark
Do you hold light in your paw?
Dung flies through the air
<Stop me! Stop me!>

My little chimp friend
Are you related to me
You better not be

Typewriters churning
Let us make Dan Rather proud
We the un-named source