Male Movie Trilogy.

My colleagues and I are discussing what the ultimate male movie trilogy should be. You know, the three movies that every male has to see before they would be accepted as being a “man”.

This is not to say that any of the fairer sex wouldn’t like these movies, but all-in-all they’re “Guy Flicks”.

So, I’ll start with the obvious and save my opinion for later. The obvious guy Trilogy according to my office is, in no particular order:

The Patriot

I don’t agree with tha list per se, and like I said, I’ll offer my opinion later. However, what’s yours? Ladies, feel free to add your input as well, I’d like to know your opinion too.

0 for 3. I’ll never be a man, I guess.

The Professional.
Bringing up Baby.

This board is warping my mind. After looking at the title, I was so sure the thread was going to be about movies with names like “Hot Studs in Love.”

My three:

The Longest Day (or any good WWII movie)
The Godfather
Die Hard

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Conan the Barbarian

Man, what a day of movies THAT would be!

I’m sure someone will suggest Fight Club.

Just ask yourself, “What would Tyler Durden do?” :wink:

Yeah how bout:

Fight Club
The Wild Ones
Rio Bravo

Animal House
Young Frankenstein
The Quiet Man

(hey, any Real Man list needs The Duke)

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Boys Don’t Cry
Mildred Pierce

Otto, the Movies Every Gay Man Must See is down the hall, first door to the left, m’kay?

Otto, the Movies Every Gay Man Must See is down the hall, first door to the left, m’kay? Besides, the ideal Gay Male Movie Trilogy, excluding Falcon videos would be
Sunset Boulevard
All About Eve
Mommy Dearest
or The Women

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (the ultimate in slacking)
Fistful of Dollars (the ultimate tough antihero)
M.A.S.H (the ultimate in, well, M.A.S.H.)

He’d probably annoy me, like he did in the movie. All I said was that I was sure someone would suggest it.

Bachelor Party
Strange Brew

<sigh> There’s always one… :wink: ((Funny Otto.))

Okay, so during lunch I convinced them to add Predator to the official list. My list goes like this:

Saving Private Ryan

Given that Howard Hawks was the ultimate man’s-man director, the films should be:
Rio Bravo
Only Angels Have Wings
The Big Sleep

I nominate:
Animal House (gotta have boobs)
Casablanca (gotta have Bogie)
Terminator2 (gotta have Arnie)

Braveheart? A historical travesty fronted by an anti-abortion, anti-gun control, pro-capital punishment f*ckwit?

(Note to Moderators - feel free to move to Pit at any time.)

Speaking as someone with XY chromosomal arrangement I would rather gnaw my own leg off than sit through a Mel Gibson ‘historial epic’. Jesus.

The Patriot? Don’t make me laugh. Black slaves rising up to fight for their American masters? No thanks. British troops committing atrocities actually lifted from the Second World War? Not keen, thanks.

Gladiator? Well…maybe.

Clearly though, there’s already a ready made trilogy for men, and it features certain mystic warriors with lightsabers. Mmmm…

Alex B

[ol][]Once Were Warriors[]The Seven Samurai[]Chasing Amy*[/ol]