Try and name some smells that are “manly”
I can think of
Bay Rum
Shoe polish
Cut grass
Saw Dust
Gun powder
What other?
Try and name some smells that are “manly”
I can think of
Bay Rum
Shoe polish
Cut grass
Saw Dust
Gun powder
What other?
Gun oil. I found a silicone lubricant at the auto parts store that smells exactly like Hoppe’s #9 gun oil. I LURVES it!
Clean sweat.
Car grease.
Campfire smoke
My husband smells like a combination of lubricant oil and fresh pencil shavings. Yum.
My wife loves it when I’m smoking meat with hardwood! Cherry and hickory weem to have the most appeal.
How can you forget Old Spice?
Pit sweat.
Machine grease
Welding fumes
Burning rubber.
Oh, and the smell of The Beach! Or maybe that goes for both genders? (Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld had a plan to bottle the smell and make a fortune.)
The smell of Home Depot. Seriously, if I could bottle that, my husband would smell like that all the time. Something about the smell of wood, rubber, chemicals… mmm, sexy.
Otherwise, I think the smell of vermouth is manly. Cedar. Meat on a charcoal grill.
Sweat, leather, and blood. mmmmmm.
Potato salad farts.
CMC fnord!
Even better, beans!
We had a guy named Big Eddie. He had a restaurant: Big Eddie’s BBQ.
It wasn’t ‘What will I have to eat, today.’ It was. ‘What will I have to eat today, with the beans?’
They were all kinds of awesome…and smelled the same coming out as they did going in.
They were all kinds of awesome…and smelled the same coming out as they did going in.
Does it happen with other guys that if you have ginger or garlic or some of the other East Asian seasonings in abundance that the clouds you leave behind have that same basic aroma – over and above your basic fart?
I know Mexican does! Cajun. Have yet to decide on Italian, Greek and Indian, though.
Are there equivalent “smellers” to the “tasters” of wines and cheeses, etc.?