Since fall DopeFest threads are popping up, and I’ve been getting some questions about it, I thought I’d set up an early announcement for:
Friday, January 3 through Sunday, January 5, 2003
The main Dopefest will be on Saturday, January 4, most likely with dinner at a restaurant somewhere in Manhattan (obligatory joke – the island, not the moderator) and post-dinner at a bar somewhere near the restaurant. The New York Dopefest Planning Committee will be hard at work this fall testing out potential bars and resturants for the event.
Friday night will probably be a casual get-together at a restaurant/bar with other attractions nearby. Last year it was deliberately unstructured, and that worked out well.
During the day Saturday, we’ll schedule a cultural or recreational event or two and possibly a brunch. Sunday will be the famous Billdo Bagel Brunch, or how many people can we squeeze in a one bedroom apartment.
As the event approaches, we’ll be posting details, itineraries, travel tips, and other information. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, we’d be happy to hear them.
As God is my witness, I shall find a way for Miss Creant and I to be there. We’ll have to have a quick stop at either the Grassroots or Red Rocks so that we can decide to leave you all behind and go get our sex on again. I ain’t mad atcha, I just want the goods.
And, I would like a 2 am excursion to the deli to find that goddamn awesome deli meat again. Weirddave and Thinksnow know of which I speak.
Haha, and you and Dyno can switch phones again and when I go to call you and have a 10 minute conversation with a very confused Dyno (that I thought was Cyni), only to have him tell me “Dude, Cyn hooked UP! But I can’t say with who.”
"the shirt" was officially retired the second I got home from New York. It now resides somewhere in the depths of the closet.
I’m thinking about wearing it to the wedding, though.
However, if there is some other Doper chick who would like to try the awesome power of “the shirt”, let me know. I can mail it to you. No, really. I can stick it in a regular envelope for 37 cents. (assuming you’re in the US)
I’ve already let Mrs. F. know that this one’s on the calendar. I don’t know if she’ll come along or not - all those stairs in and out of the subway were hard on her knees when we were up there two weeks ago. But she had a good time up there, so maybe.
So it’s also time to start thinking of another East Coast carpool.
I have access to a minivan. Who wants a lift? And to take over some of the driving? And to pay the tolls? And to find a place to park in that freakin’ city?