Back on Track: NYC Mega-Dopefest -- January 5, 2002

I realize it’s early, but in an effort get things back to normal and to support Mayor Giuliani’s efforts to get tourist dollars rolling in, I’m pleased too announce:

The New York City Mega-Dopefest on Saturday, January 5, 2002

along with
The New York City Mega-Dopefest Weekend from Friday January 4 to Sunday January 6, 2002

Events and details to be provided, and volunteers to host events (museum tours, brunches, Friday activities, etc.) and put up visitors are welcome.

This is the same weekend as this past January’s record-setting NYC Dopefest, though the attendence record may well be eclipsed by October’s California Dopefest. We New Yorkers can’t let California take the title. Let’s try to get into the triple digits in attendees this time.

I figure that with this much advance notice, everyone will be able to get cheap air tickets if they plan on flying in.

Between now and then, we’ll be having our usual New York Dope-Dinners, possibly a smaller dopefest, and other impromptu events, but if you’re going to come to New York for one Doper event, the NYC Mega-Dopefest is the one.

See you all there (and this means all 17,000 or so of you).

Let me be the first to say: I’m in!!!

I so want to do this. Everybody, give me good vibes that I get a job soon so I can make this!

Whoo! I just wrote the date down. Count me in :slight_smile:

Okay. That’s about a week and a half before my 40th birthday.

Who’s gonna give me a trip to NY to mark the occassion?


Well, I’m back on the East Coast, and NY’s not that far a drive, so I’ll keep my eyes out for this thread as the time draws more near…

I’m so there. I hope it’s as completely nuts as the last one. Seeing as how we’re planning ahead… I am proud to present…

[minor hijack]
The Official List of Things THespos Hopes to Do at the Next NYC Dopefest
[li] Get a smooch from Nacho4Sara if she happens to be there. (I didn’t get one last time.)[/li][li] Buy several vodka shots for Manhattan. (“Whosoever inflicts a hangover on me shall be paid back tenfold.”)[/li][li] Find the hat. Wear it proudly. BTW, who has it? Wonko?[/li][li] Drink several beers with Lurkernomore in Tripler’s honor.[/li][li] Meet TruePisces IRL.[/li][li] Digitally record any bartop dancing that should happen to occur during the course of the night.[/li][li] Flirt with Hamadryad.[/li][/list=1]

Sounds good to me! I’ll try to make it!

I’ll be there, with nametags in hand.

I definitely 100% intend to try to make it to this one if there’s a chance in the world. I had a wonderful time at the last one. I only hope there’s snow again…although if we go through the park in it I won’t blame anyone for staying BEHIND me. Eh hem.

While y’all are saving up money to get Arden there (I’ll throw in a 5-spot!), concentrate your MENTAL energies on my being able to a) afford a train ticket, b) get out of the house for a weekend and c) find a place to crash. :smiley:

Don’t you worry about a place to crash, Hama. I think I’ve got that covered. :wink:

Ooh, ooh!

If I don’t get a real job in Chicago, which looks likelier and likelier each day :(, I’m tentatively planning to visit NYC for an extended period in January, job hunt there, and try out living with The Boy (Pixellent) for a while. So I will do my best to be there. I know you guys had a blast last year, and I look forward to singing Britney Spears songs with Nacho & Hamadryad and making out with Lux Fiat.

Ooh! Last Friday, pldennison, Peta Tzunami, RTFirefly and I were tossing around the idea of doing a Big Ole Travelin’ Dopefest up and down the East Coast, and this could tie right in. Boston, NYC, Philly, DC, Raleigh, etc. Don’t mind the noise, it’s just the gears a-grindin’ in that li’l brain of mine…anybody else like this idea? If there is interest, we can have a new thread for it so as not to clog this one up. Email me if you’re interested so I can get an idea how feasible this is.

Gosh, I love it when Billdo gets my life completely organized four months in advance. It’s on the calendar!

For starters, I’ll organize the list of people who want to make out with Lux Fiat and work out some sort of schedule.

Sure, why not. Sign me up.

Well, all I can say is thank god for Lux Fiat.

Now all the sultry, oversexed Girl Dopers will be gathered around and pawing him, and the rest of us guys can go off and discuss sporting events.

And don’t even think about quoting the first sentence of the above as your new sig, **Luxxie.

I’m in… as much as I can be 3 months in advance.

Thank God for Billdo, the only organized one here. :slight_smile:

billdo, you always pick the wrong weekends for me. dang…

This will give me just enough time to clean my apartment for crashers!

And I will not forget that I owe Manny and Sua and Capt Crude. And Cajun Man and Dr.Matrix and. . …
Plus, I get to kiss Ike 'cause I’m not a hot DoperBabe!