Max Carnage you F***!

Exgineer, my broccoli called you a stinky farthead. I just thought you should know that. Oh yeah, and your shoes are tied funny.

Q.E.D. Everybody knows QED stands for Quite Easily Done not that Latin mubo-jumbo in your sig.

Bippy, you really should have a beard, dammit.

World Eater, take the fucking hint already!

Khadro what the fuck kind of nic is that?

Sydney…SYDNEY FUCKING AUSTRALIA? Home of vegemite, sickeningly cute koalas…and crappy beer!

And your bathwater runs down the drain in the wrong direction, ya dipshit!!

Oh, Australia has crappy beer, eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

And I hate Coldfire even more because he’s trying to insult American beer.

MICROBREWS, jerkface.

And I hate Super Gnat because she’s an accountant and likes R.L. Asprin, and Q.E.D. because he likes broccoli for some strange reason.

And I hate everybody else for no reason at all.

Nice driveby loser!


Well I hate Coldfire because fire isn’t cold, it’s Hot goddamnit.
Exgineer for once in his life having liked broccoli.
Biggirl for being over 300 feet tall.
Bippy for being so bored at work that he posted too much crap today.

Aw hell Bippy…kiss my sweet…

wait for it…


(Only we former Laugh-In watchers will get that. )

And fuck you all…lame ass fucksnots…one and all. ALL OF YA, I say. Like I don’t have shit to do around here but have disdain.


I hate Bippy because, uhm… well, there was that time when he did… this thing, that , ya’ know, really pissed me off…

Ya’ know, that thing that he did.

Aw, never mind.

But I still hate Biggirl for being big.

And stuff.

Oh yeah…come to think of it, Exgineer you can just lay off with your intelligent threads making me…I mean, the rest of us look like total asswipes.

Just cut the bullshit, m’kay?

I hate biggirl only because she can whip my ass and not think twice about it. I flip her off mentally because I have no desire to have her actually see me do it.

Goddammit, Exgineer, how many fuckin’ times are you gonna post to this goddamn thread, you selfish bastard?

runs by, tossing broccoli spears at Exgineer
Die, you pustulent broccoli-hater, die!

All righty then. Evidently, I have to take some children to school.

SilkyThreat seems to belive that I have posted some “intelligent threads.” In rebuttal, I challenge the beforenamed poster to provide a citation to one intelligent post I’ve made. Failing that, this poster is invited to provide a citation to a thread that I have started that developed any “intellectual” disussion. Never happened, because I am a dumbass.

I hate Q.E.D., just because he decided to throw broccoli at me with no real provocation.

I hate zweisamkeit, because he doesn’t like me because I posted in this thread too often.

All of you are cordially invited to bite me.

Hey, fine with me, big boy…and I’m really slow at hiding the threads in sentences so here they are:

And I was too goddamn lazy to hunt for the posts I thought were insightful to me…I mean the other brainclots on the board (not necessarily threads started by you, so STFU) so just shaddup.

And btw…fuck ya…know it all toadslurper.

Well, that’s just two lousy stinkin’ threads.

One was a dumbassed rant, and the other was an aborted atempt at a literary discussion, in which I’m not qualified to participate in the first place.

They BOTH SUCKED. Why, you may ask? BECAUSE I’M A MORON. That’s why.

And I don’t know nothin’. There it is.

We’re supposed to be slagging Max Carnage anyhow, I think, so stop looking at me.

I’m nothing, really. I’m beneath your notice.

Also, I hate everybody.

You only asked for one and I told ya I was too lazy to find the posts I thought you were dead-on about.

Bite me.

And yeah…everybody else here can bite me, too…God knows there’s plenty here to bite.

sub just shut up and leave me a alone, you fucking vultures[/sub]

This from a person from the land of Heineken?

Alright Exgineer I didn’t create this damn thread so that you could sit here and monopolize it! If I wanted that, I would’ve created a Exgineer, you F*** thread.

Hey, that’s an idea…