From today’s Washington Post:
For those unfamiliar with the current imbraglio, here’s the deal. Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal came to the United States, saw the damage at the WTC, and offered to write a check for $10 million to help out. In the accompanying press release, the Prince stated the US should “reexamine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause” and examine what actions of the US prompted such a crime to occur.
Rudy said to the Prince, stuff it and your check.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney then wrote a public letter to the Saudi Prince in which she took the US’ Middle Eastern policy to task. In this column, William Raspberry takes her to task, both for criticizing US foreign policy to foreign leaders, and for what Raspberry referred to as “pimping our plight”.
Now, at this point, I consider so far that McKinney is just a low-class idiot, using the attention to whore a cause, and without thought for what anyone else might think. Certainly, low-class idiots of that type- on both sides of the aisle- abounded following the WTC and Pentagon attacks.
But in her editorial in the Post, Ms. McKinney states:
“I believe that when it comes to major foreign policy issues, many prefer to have black people seen and not heard.”
Okay. Now you’re a fucking asshole.
You took what you must have known would be an unpopular opinion- you shoveled in some “America has no one to blame for the attacks but themselves”, mixed it with “America callously keeps a black underclass mired in poverty and homelessness”, and then publicly stated it in a letter to a foreign national in which you practically groveled for him to send some money to charities you support.
And when people bring up the fact that what you did was classless, tactless, and despicable, you respond by calling them racists.
I dare you, I just fucking dare you, to make such a statement about “black people should be seen and not heard” to Colin Powell and Condaleeza Rice.
What a fucking asshole.