Maybe, Congresswoman, people don't listen to you because you're an idiot.

From today’s Washington Post:

For those unfamiliar with the current imbraglio, here’s the deal. Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal came to the United States, saw the damage at the WTC, and offered to write a check for $10 million to help out. In the accompanying press release, the Prince stated the US should “reexamine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause” and examine what actions of the US prompted such a crime to occur.

Rudy said to the Prince, stuff it and your check.

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney then wrote a public letter to the Saudi Prince in which she took the US’ Middle Eastern policy to task. In this column, William Raspberry takes her to task, both for criticizing US foreign policy to foreign leaders, and for what Raspberry referred to as “pimping our plight”.
Now, at this point, I consider so far that McKinney is just a low-class idiot, using the attention to whore a cause, and without thought for what anyone else might think. Certainly, low-class idiots of that type- on both sides of the aisle- abounded following the WTC and Pentagon attacks.

But in her editorial in the Post, Ms. McKinney states:

“I believe that when it comes to major foreign policy issues, many prefer to have black people seen and not heard.”
Okay. Now you’re a fucking asshole.

You took what you must have known would be an unpopular opinion- you shoveled in some “America has no one to blame for the attacks but themselves”, mixed it with “America callously keeps a black underclass mired in poverty and homelessness”, and then publicly stated it in a letter to a foreign national in which you practically groveled for him to send some money to charities you support.

And when people bring up the fact that what you did was classless, tactless, and despicable, you respond by calling them racists.

I dare you, I just fucking dare you, to make such a statement about “black people should be seen and not heard” to Colin Powell and Condaleeza Rice.
What a fucking asshole.

Some people just have no shame.

My uncle once bought me a book called “Why Smart People Do Dumb Things.” McKinney’s behavior fits the profile:

  1. Make a mistake
  2. Get called on the carpet for it
  3. Refuse to admit wrongdoing. Press onward with the stupidity (in this case, play the race card inappropriately)

It is amazing how this effect is exaggerated whenever there’s significant press attention and publicity surrounding the circumstances. As if admitting you’ve done something wrong before the press is akin to a death sentence…

I’m really not sure how to react, honestly. I’m of two minds- either she believes that the reason people don’t agree with her is because she’s black and they’re racists, in which case I seriously pity her; or she’s just using the national attention to demagouge the issue in the hopes of making a name for herself as an ‘African-American leader’, in which case I hope she gets all the public ridicule and scorn she deserves.

Either way, I’ve written a letter to the Post in which I call her ‘scurrilous’. Unfortunately, the Post won’t actually print a letter in which I refer to her as a ‘asshole beyond all bounds of decency’.

Not to mention, isn’t she perilously close to violating Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution?

I don’t think she was asking for maney for herself, and therefore probably not violating that clause.

But she did violate one of our basic rules - don’t be a jerk! If the congresswoman has issues about our policies and the way certain minoritites are treated in the U.S. government, she should (and does) have a time and place to point those out, but that place is not in a letter to a foreign govermenment, and the time is not after we are so brutally attacked.

Yah, that’s money, not maney. I don’t know who maney is, and she may or may not have been asking for him…
And also foreign ‘govermenment’ is not as common as government.

Rep. McKinney is what Ken Hamblin, a conservative radio commentator who calls himself “The Black Avenger,” refers to as “a welfare pimp”, selling dignity for handouts. She is one od the liberal politicians who get political advantage by selling African Americans an image of themselves as helpless pawns of a racist system who have to live off charity. Actually empowering poor people to have pride in themselves and to take the reins of economic self-determination would ruin her power base.


Does anyone know about the real story with this (from the article):

I find it very hard to believe that Bush, who has just pushed through huge military spendings would shortchange those serving. Does anyone have a cite of an article or the actual bill or such?


William Raspberry, the columnist who criticized her position, is black…and not exactly a neo-con


race card doesn’t fly this time toots. :rolleyes:

isn’t this the blueprint for the Clinton’s life in the public eye?

Holy babbling hell. And people wonder why I’m an anarchist? It’s because whenever there is governemnt, there will be an abundance of dipshits like this rep. serving in office.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it until the day I assume room temperature: We’re better off on our own.

Sounds like some kind of UL. No one in the military gets paid overtime. Whether you’re an E-4 clerk processing paychecks from 9 to 5, or an E-4 deck ape landing planes on an 18 hour shift, you both get the same basic pay per month.

I can never accurately link bills, but I’ll give it another go. Here is H.R. 3164. The full title is

To amend titles 10 and 37, United States Code, to repeal the authority of the Secretary of a military department to suspend tracking and recording the number of days that members of the armed forces are deployed for purposes of determining the eligibility of such members for the per diem allowance for lengthy or numerous deployments.

(or, when that link doesn’t work, you can go to and type in the bill number in the search window there)

Looking over the 13 bills Rep. McKinney has sponsored or cosponsored this year, I can’t help thinking that she’s got a wide field of interests. Here are some examples.

H.R.3155 : To require the suspension of the use, sale, development, production, testing, and export of depleted uranium munitions pending the outcome of certain studies of the health effects of such munitions, and for other purposes.

H.R.2954 : To prohibit the importation into the United States of colombo tantalite from certain countries involved in the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and for other purposes.

H.R.2947 : To allow actions for damages caused by terrorist acts to be brought against any country or officials thereof.

H.R.2782 : To require nationals of the United States that employ more than 20 persons in a foreign country to implement a Corporate Code of Conduct with respect to the employment of those persons, and for other purposes.

H.R.2723 : To authorize the President to award a gold medal on behalf of the Congress to Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. (posthumously) and his widow Coretta Scott King in recognition of their contributions to the Nation on behalf of the civil rights movement.

H.R.1587 : To amend title 38, United States Code, to repeal the 30-year manifestation period for a presumption of service-connection for respiratory cancers occurring in veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam during the period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ending on May 7, 1975.

H.R.1494 : To save taxpayers money, reduce the deficit, cut corporate welfare, protect communities from wildfires, and protect and restore America’s natural heritage by eliminating the fiscally wasteful and ecologically destructive commercial logging program on Federal public lands, restoring native biodiversity in our Federal public forests, and facilitating the economic recovery and diversification of communities affected by the Federal logging program.

H.R.1189 : To provide that a State may use a proportional voting system for multiseat congressional districts, and for other purposes.

H.R.460 : To require nationals of the United States that employ individuals in a foreign country to provide full transparency and disclosure in all their operations.

I don’t know. Just thought the above was interesting. I don’t really have anything to say about it.

Actually the pay to which she’s referring is a real thing. It was started about a year ago.

Long story short:
Polls and reviews of satisfaction with military service are diving.
Operation Tempo is one of the primary reasons cited. Military Service Members spend waaaaay too much time away from home.
Congress institutes Operation Tempo pay, which states that soldiers (and our counterparts in the other services) that spend over 400 days in two years away from home start to get an additional amount of money per day spent away.
Said money is to come from their unit’s operating budget.
This is to motivate Commanders and leadership to use their manpower better and not abuse the families.

Optempo days are now tracked each month on our Leave and Earnings Statement (LES).
The rules concerning Optempo pay are filled with loopholes and certain levels of Command have the ability to simply waiver it and say “Oh, it doesn’t apply to us. We have to much to do.”

Now it seems that the Congresswoman is saying that President Bush is considering suspending the program due to the impending deployments which will result from the war on terrorism.

Personally, I’m a soldier and I do what I’m told. My family is extremely understanding of time which may be spent away. But it sure would be nice to get at least a little extra something once the days away start to pile up.

I will now go to search for official cites.

Here and here are just a couple of quick links explaining the pay.

Nothing reference it being suspended, though.

Oh dear, did this just become a hijack?

Hmmm. The best defense is a good offense, they say. I wonder how her approach would work in my own life. Of course, I’m not black but I am female so I can just guess how I’d play it:

At the video store: Me: I’d like to rent the Laurence Olivier/Greer Garson version of Pride And Prejudice. Clerk: We don’t have that one. Me: You’re just saying that because I’m a woman!

At my parent’s house: Me: Maybe I’ll paint my face blue. Mom: Don’t be an idiot? Me: You’re saying I’m acting idiotically. You’re just saying that because I’m a woman!

At work: Me: I object! Judge: Objection overruled. Me: You’re just overruling my objection because I’m a woman!

This is great! Why take responsibility for your own idiocy when you can ascribe any and all criticism to an improper and nefarious motive of your critics’? Life will be so much easier once I blame all criticism on bigotry!

Of course, I’m not sure if the rest of the women in America will appreciate me using my gender as a weapon and an excuse, but too bad for them, right?

It’ll make my day, nay my MONTH!, if it turns out that congressperson has ever used the word “niggardly” in print.

Okay, I had to look up colombo-tantalite.

Among other fascinating uses, it’s a key ingredient in the manufacture of PlayStation 2.

Possibly Congresswoman McKinney has a dual objective in stopping the importation of this mineral - limiting war in the Congo by keeping the nation so poor that no one will want to fight over it - and making sure that her Georgia constituents play less warlike games.

Heady stuff.

I am employed as a forestry policy analyst.

It is widely known in the forestry community in which I do business and conduct my research that Rep. McKinney’s forestry bill was written for her by at least one (if not several) nationally prominent environmental NGO’s. IIRC, she represents one of the more urban districts in Atlanta, Georgia, a location rather far removed from any of the national forests (not to mention these forests’ constitutents). I’d be surprised if she has a forestry expert on her staff.