Maze in the Library

Just started rewatching The Librarians from the beginning, preparing for the new season, and realized that Maze, aka Lesley-Ann Brandt, is the evil henchman in the first season. It makes me happy. That woman has a gorgeous face, and does onscreen fighting really, really well. I wonder if she does any martial arts in real life.

Is there anything that can be done with Lindy Booth’s voice? She wasn’t like that in “Dawn of the Dead.”

I never saw Dawn of the Dead. Lindy Booth I only know from the Librarians, and she just doesn’t have the screen presence of the other characters. Noah Wylie I like a lot, and Christian Kane (though i liked him more in Leverage). Rebecca Romijin was better in the short-lived King and Maxwell. But Lesly-Ann Brandt – I like her as much as a straight woman can like any actress.

Lamia’s knives bear quite a resemblance to Maze’s knives. Lamia’s straight, Maze’s curved, but both with the circle at the end of the hilt.

I haven’t been watching the series much; my wife is the fan and plays the TV LOUD, so I pick up a bit here and there. The movies were fun–Noah Wylie is better than the material, but I’m bummed that Newhart and Curtin aren’t in the show; they definitely added pizzazz to the proceedings.

She mixes it up a bit in Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Search youtube for “Naevia”.

I actually find her on screen fighting to be on the more unbelievable side. She swings a sword like she’s trying to hit a pinata.