Megan Fox topless, anyone?

Megan Fox, one of the hottest hotties from Hottsville, (also known as that chick from Transformers,) was captured in a few pictures on the set of her new movie baring (almost) it all.

h t t p : // (removing the spaces in the http for link.)

Clearly, it is NSFW…unless you work in the adult entertainment industry, or something. (BTW, you have to go to the site, and then click AGAIN on the censored picture to get the uncensored ones.)

The only downside is that she does seem to be wearing pasties…but honestly, you still see like 90% of the breast. Just use your imagination for the nipples.

Reason #4,275,368 why I love the SDMB.
Excellent job!

Those are, without a doubt, the palest nipples I have ever seen.

She’s got pasties on.

I’m not hip enough to have the slightest idea who Megan Fox is, but I’ll check the link when I’m home.

Pasties would explain that, wouldn’t it? I just glanced at The Superficial last night and didn’t study the subject with the detail I’m sure it deserved. :smiley:

Is that some sort of tattoo under her left armpit? It looks like a poem or something.

They are kind of oddly shapped. I was a little disappointed. However, I sincerely thank the OP for giving me that opportunity.

Actually, I had no idea who she was, so I looked her up in Wiki and HOMINA-HOMINA-HOMINA!

I’ll check the OP’s link later.

It reads “there once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART”
h t t p : //

She has more tats, too.

I’m sure someone can find some extra nipples on the internet.

I was wondering why Megan Fox was number one in Yahoo’s “Today’s Top Searches”.

Now I know why. Thanks bouv!

Thanks for the Wiki link. It’s a good thing she’s hot because she comes across like a dingbat. She gets tattoos when she has “a feeling about anything”. Uh, ok. And she has her boyfriend’s name by her genitals. That’s always a stellar idea.

Sorry, didn’t mean to threadshit.

She is hot, though.

Yes please.

It reads, “Flander”. :wink:

Man I love Cafe Society, the salon for art, drama, literature, movies, music, comics, cuisine – all the artistic disciplines – if it’s about creativity, entertainment, or leisure, it goes here.

Oh wait.

Is Megan Fox in the movies? Check

Is looking at her topless entertaining to some folks? Check

Is looking at her topless a leisure time activity? Check

Cuisine? Write your own punchline
Seems to be a good fit.

I see art and entertainment.

Art is the one on the left…

Dude, this thread is entirely anatomical.