Men in their 40's or above, how do you stay attracted to women your own age?

Why? If you screw me over, I am going to hurt you back. I am a bigger fan of the Old Testament than the newer one. It is pretty simple. All you have to do is not intentionally fuck up and show up on time. That shouldn’t be a hard request but it is apparently.

What people don’t understand is that all of life is a game and everyone dies at the end. Every second you waste on senseless bullshit is just a minor version of the death penalty. Our job is to have as much fun as possible in the rest of the time allotted because it isn’t going to last long. Of course I would hop in bed this instant with an attractive 40 year. I would also fly to Thailand a month from now if someone wanted to. What is stopping me? Nothing.

You just have to get off your ass and do it. I am going to Colorado tomorrow with my daughters. That should be a great time but the problem I am running into is that they outclass the vast majority of fully grown people in spirit. I would much rather travel them than the vast majority of adults I know because they actually know what they are doing and know how to have a good time. They just came back from Costa Rica last night and are all set to turn the plane around and head west. It is really hard to find other adults that aren’t weighed down by so much baggage and hangups that they are tolerable to hang around. I am surprised that a lot of them can even show up to work consistently (some of them don’t and they get fired).

I don’t think I am a perfect person either to make the understatement of the year but I am adventurous and actually try at life. When the ICU doctors told me I only had a few hours to live and my home town was holding a prayer vigil for me 8 years ago, I had to make a decision not to let that happen. I was determined not to die and the doctors were surprised when I greeted them the next morning. I was given a 2nd chance at life but it gave me a new perspective. It isn’t supposed to be tedious if you can help it. Enjoy everything you can while you are still able to and don’t dick around. I already lost two young coworkers this year in tragic accidents and the same thing could happen to any of us tomorrow. There is no point in not pursuing what you really want.