menopausal whacko stalking my neighbor

Menpausal neighbor lady puttin the moves on much younger hunk next door. Mushy cards, sassy photos, late night dog walking ,whispering under his window…shudddddder…He’s got the creeps from this and has asked me to do something, Because A. I am old, sort of… B. seem to have kept an old lady happy. So therefore C. I must have a clue as to how to get this lady back in her cage.
Ah youth…
I haven’t any idea what to “do” here, except hide under a pillow and mutter “this too shall pass” . She has also asked him to please ask all his friends in their big trucks to stop staring at her when they drive by.
Her husband is a pretty regular guy, 2 kids in High school. Just from a laymans perspective it seems we have a number of conditions rolling here any of which could be quite the bombshell. I guess i could just kind of stop by and tell her husband to ask her to knock it off. Hoo boy… She does not seem to be connecting dots at this point so sitting her down seems kind of pointless. I am looking for an entry point that will get the hood through this little passage without fireworks. I am hoping that there are dopers who might have any ideas… or if not… we can share stories on just how whacked people get during this little phase… so I can tell my neighbor to be grateful that at least she isn’t doing_______…

General Questions is for questions with factual answers. I don’t see this as a question that has a factual answer. IMHO is for opinions and polls.

I’ll move this to IMHO for you.

Off to IMHO.

DrMatrix - GQ Moderator

I would think a few stern words to her along the lines of, “Knock it off. I don’t want any more cards, pictures, anything. I want no contact with you of this nature, else I will pursue harrassment charges.”

Hey, if the kid doesn’t want the advances, once he draws a line in the sand it becomes ‘harassment’.

How to prosecute it, that I’m not so sure of.

I’m curious: How do you know she’s menopausal and why do you think this is a factor in her alleged behavior?

I would tell younger hunk next door that if he’s old enough to support himself, he’s old enough to deal with this and not to involve you.

He’s already plainly stated his position to her and cops here have informed him that there’s nothing they can or will do until things reach some sort of criminal proportions. So he’ done what he knows and is out of ideas. KSO, she’s complaining about this and peripheral mid life stuff. I am wondering myself as it seems that there could be several contributing factors. My “dear Abby” approach here is that I am aware that this could be a temporary situation that could have larger repercussions if handled badly.

i’ve seen my share of hormonal blowouts , male and female , and was looking for some direction before possibly fanning the flame. I’d already given the “deal with it” advice but its getting weirder and the linear processes aren’t working.
I like the line in the sand approach cause it will keep me out of it and will inform her of clear consequences if it continues. Legal system won’t do squat, but that might lay groundwork for an intervention of sorts.

thanks all , I appreciate the input

Does hunk live with his parents?

I’d play Tom Jones and Englebert Humperdink really loud when she comes by. Maybe he’ll get some free panties out of the deal!

I think I’d tell him to deal with it the same way as if the gender roles were reversed. tell her to KNOCK IT OFF! and if she doesn’t get a restraining order. No means no.

I know this would never hold up in court but could he sue? Mental anguish. Suffering. How is he ever going to get the those images out of his head. Oh the humanity.

I also go with the restraining order.

He should begin documenting her offenses and also write down what she has already done. Document on video tape and with photos. If she is calling him, keep any messages she leaves on the answering machine. If he actually talks with him on the phone, he should tell her she is being recorded immediately and then continue recording.

But up “No Trespassing” signs.

Get a snarly dog.

Find out what the stalker laws are in your state.

BTW, some policemen don’t really give the best legal advice.

This doesn’t sound like menopausal behavior to me.

Menopausal does not equal whacko. I think it’s a safe guess that this woman had problems long before her estrogen started to ebb. (I’m not one of the offenderati, but equating menopausal with “crazy” is sexist. Cut it out.)

I don’t see how this is your problem, tailake. Your hunky neighbor needs to grow a pair. If the crazy neighbor lady continues to contact him or trespass on his property after being clearly warned not to do so, then it’s time for a restraining order. If she doesn’t respect the restraining order, it’s time for a personal weapon.