Michael Douglas Makes Powerful Statement About the Dangers of Pleasuring Catherine Zeta Jones

Luckily, of all the causes of cancer, sticking your tongue in Catherine Zeta Jones is among the easiest to avoid.

From here:

I’m sort of divided between “Way TMI, Michael” and “This might really help people avoid a form of cancer”; it is amazing how many people believe oral sex is relatively risk free. More likely it’s just going to give a lot of men an excuse they were looking for to go to sleep after Jay Leno. (“I’d love to, honey, but then I’d get Michael Douglas cancer and where would we be?”)

Ironic that he went from discussing the cancer caused by his cunnilingus to playing the aggressively anti-cunnilingus-performing Liberace, who died from another STD. Apparently Douglas really wants to drive home the dangers of unprotected sex.

Since we don’t have a sequential threads thread going right now, I’ll point it out here. When I opened this forum just now, I saw

Michael Douglas Makes Powerful Statement About the Dangers of Pleasuring Catherine Zeta Jones

How do you get the smell of onions off your fingers?


OTOH, Michael has got what has to be the Ultimate Domestic Trump card.

“Michael, can you take out the garbage?”
“Your pussy gave me cancer!”

“Michael, remember we’re having dinner with my mother tomorrow.”
“Pleasuring you almost killed me.”

It just keeps on giving!

You are a bad, bad person.

I can totally hear that exchange in a 1970s John Waters film starring Divine as the cancer carrier.

To be fair to CZJ, he has also admitted to being a sex addict in the past. So you can’t really know that he got it from any one woman.

His wife prior to CZJ has publicly stated that her junk is (and always has been) clean. I cannot imagine her humiliation.

Wasn’t he performing cunnilingus on an onion?

Speak for yourself.

If eating pussy is gonna kill me, well hey, I’ve gotta die of something someday…

I love Michael Douglas’ quote - “Without getting too specific…”

Could anybody else read between the lines that when he said “it comes about from cunnilingus” he meant “it comes about from cunnilingus”?

Personally, I’d be willing to take the risk.

I think he’s been sucking on Gene Wilder. That guy spreads cancer like Typhoid Mary.

I’m one of those people. Emphasis on relatively.

And, as zoog pointed out, if we’re doing a risk/benefit analysis, I know where I’m going to end up on this one.

Catherine Zeta Jones’ Mother “catatonic”

I’m speechless.

His rep now denies that he was talking about his cancer specifically, but about cancer in general.

Up to now I thought it just caused lockjaw.

Pussy’s got her tongue?

The CDC said that cunnilingus with Catherine Zeta Jones has caused more cases of cancer in the past 20 years than smoking, radiation, and witchcraft combined.