Misfits of the SDMB

Never posted to a Lord of the Rings Thread?

You read fiction instead of science fiction?

Didn’t build your own computer out of parts found in the dumpster behind Radio Shack?

You’re a cheerleader?

Come on in, present your Bona Fides. What makes you a misfit? Membership will be granted after an exhaustive check on your credentials or if I feel like it. Toga party/initiation to follow at a later date.

I don’t build my own computer.

I don’t drink either coffee or beer.

I didn’t ace my SATs.

I have no tattoos.

Am I a misfit or a paragon to be emulated? :confused:

No matter how much hair color I put on, my hair turns back to blonde…

Don’t know a thing about Lord of the Rings and don’t care.

I’d rather watch a video than read.

DELL built my computer. Wouldn’t even consider a dumpster dive.

I have never even read Lord of the Rings. The last movie I saw involved Pokemon.
I have (almost) the complete collection of Danielle Steel’s works.
I have forgotten how to format a diskette.
I have beaten up cheerleaders (does that count?)
I only drink Old Style or Budweiser beer.
I like the band Creed.
I have never attended a Dopefest.
I am boring as hell and frankly, am happy I’m that way as no one bothers me much.

What do I win???

FairyChatMom, you avoided the trap. If you had actually said what your SAT scores were, you would have been exposed. Grab a beer. Oops, pull up a chair.

1ofthegulls, You have blonde hair and dye it dark? Are you a Goth? C’mon, tell the truth.

I was popular in high school!

I have never read the Lord of the Rings nor have I seen the movies.


OK, you’re in. Just confine the music to your headphones, OK?

I don’t “dye” my hair, I color it Auburn. A sassy red. Hardly a Goth :wink:

Never built my own computer.

Am terrible at coding. Nay I couldn’t even do anything with coding beyond basic HTML.

I know something about LotR’s but it’s not something I could espouse on for hours.

SF is okay… I prefer fantasy, but not longwinded verbose stuff (which is why I stopped reading Robert Jordan and haven’t finished RotK)

I don’t like TV. I can live without it.

Yeah nothing special.

Uke, you qualify. Kindly keep the moderating to a minimum. Us folks rarely have train wrecks or meltdowns.

I smell a Trojan horse…

There was a MOVIE!!!

Like Ike, I, too was popular in high school.

LOTR, Star Trek, Star Wards, and all things related bore me to tears.

I stopped laughing at Monty Python jokes when I was 15.

I have a computer and it does what I want. I don’t care why it does what I want, I just know that the thing works.

I am capable of having meaningful social interactions with other human beings in a face to face situation.

Role playing games don’t interest me unless I get to be the pool boy or the telephone repair man.

Felching doesn’t make me giggle, but I married a Doper. I am torn.


I have never read Tolkien.

I think pitting people is ridiculous.

I’m a republican.

I don’t believe a movie has to be french with chinese subtitles to be good.

In fact I believe the only thing that makes me a “qualified” member is my encyclopedic knowledge of The Princess Bride and South Park.

I am going to expose one of my reasons for misfit status - I have to go to work!

Someone check ID’s for me while I’m gone, m’kay?

I’ve never seen an episode of Star Trek, nor have I seen a Trek movie (but I almost rented Wrath of Kahn a few nights ago because I hear so many pop culture references to it.)

I’ve never been to a dopefest.

I don’t watch reality TV.

I am a computer nerd who hates sci-fi. The love of computers makes me a misfit among normal folk and the hatred of sci-fi makes me a misfit among nerds.

I haven’t seen or read LOTR and only saw half of the first Star Wars movie (when I was 6) and none of the sequels. My sci-fi reading list doesn’t extend past Douglas Adams and Robert Heinlein.

I buy John Grisham and Michael Crichton books in hardcover as soon as they hit the shelves. Sometimes I even buy Readers’ Digest to read stupid, true stories of rescues and corny, bad jokes.

I have been managed to leave the boards for significant periods of time (months, sometimes many months) with out having withdrawl symptoms. (I missed every crash except the last)