I thought Lois was the most attractive cartoon character ever but “Disney Lois”…YUM!
Loved Cthulu Meg too. Fun episode so far.
I thought Lois was the most attractive cartoon character ever but “Disney Lois”…YUM!
Loved Cthulu Meg too. Fun episode so far.
Not on for another couple of hours here.
Speaking of Cthulhu…
An Oglaf comic. Definitely not safe for work.
Read the mouseover, too.
I thought Meg was supposed to be Ursula.
Are you talking about the dimension hopping episode? Here’s the Disney World clip from Adult Swim.
OK, that was surreal.
This episode was little more than a series of sight gags, but it was fun.
I enjoyed it the second time around, though I did wonder why Family Guy served up a rerun when the rest of the night was new.
Wow – it’s uncanny how much Disney Peter looks like Cole Richards.
Another solid ep, the shots at Disney were interesting
OK, I never saw Mermaid, had to Google, I get it now.
Umm, a hint as to what this is about?
The cartoon Family Guy. The mom on the show, Lois, is widely regarded as being hot, for a cartoon character. Apparently a recent issue transplanted the family into a Disney-drawn universe, and the OP was commenting that this made Lois even hotter than usual. BigT linked to a clip.
And the No-Christianity Universe Lois is apparently so hot your penis will end up in a wheelchair.
One of my favorite Family Guy episodes. It also has one of their many “How do they get away with saying that!” moments.
Carnival Barker: The amazing half-man, half-clam! Come see the man, he’s half clam!
Peter: What a rip-off. It was just Kim Cattrall sitting Indian style.
Wish the clip was viewable in Canada…
I don’t get the jab? Disney is anti-semitic? Since when?
That’s certainly something I never associated with them, and it was frankly very confusing,
Walt Disney may have been vaguely anti-Semitic. Maybe. It’s actually pretty thin stuff and mostly assumes things based on his family background. At worst, he was no different than some of the everyday assumptions WASPs made about the world. For whatever reason, however, a lot of people enjoy the thought of Walt Disney hating Jews. This is not the first time he’s been portrayed as a Jew-hater on Family Guy, either, and the joke wasn’t funny the first time they did it.
The quality is a lot worse, but it is available on Youtube. And I don’t believe it’s region locked.
And if you’re on low bandwidth, Google Images has a bunch of screenshots. This is the best one I could find of Lois that wasn’t fanart.
How come Stewie and Brian transform when they are in the Disney verse, but they meet versions of themselves in the one where humans are pets?
Am I overthinking?
They changed to match the style of the art, not the evolution of the lifeforms.
They also turned into stop motion puppets in the Robot Chicken universe, and a real kid and dog in the live action universe.
They didn’t turn Japanese in that universe, they didn’t become genetically perfect in that universe, they didn’t grow second heads in THAT universe. There’s no reason that they’d have swapped species in the dog universe. Just like the others, it was drawn in the normal Family Guy style.
The art style is sort of like the physics of the universe - they had to change to actually live there. They didn’t in any of the other universes.
The strange blocky one is the odd man out, not the dog universe.