Modern Family 11/14/12 "Mistery Date"

I didn’t see a thread on this started yet, so drug myself out of lurkerdom to start one.

I was cracking up during all of the scenes with Phil and Matthew Broderick’s character. Loved Phil’s “oohhh” at the end right after Matthew left too. Thought it was a great episode overall.

I was wondering how long it would take for Phil to “get it”. Very funny episode~

I loved Gloria’s attempt at saying the painters name “Arrarrrar”.

The dialog between Phil and his date was masterful.

Yes, and I was actually beginning to wonder if we would make it to the end of the episode with Phil never actually catching on that is was a “date”. Almost made it!

I kind of wanted Mitch and Cam to go over to the house so Cam could see who his friend’s “date” was. :slight_smile:

Oh, that would have been funny!

I’m certain they’ll have a payoff episode where Phil and MB run into each other again at a party at Mitch and Cam’s.

I missed the end of it. Please spoil for me what happened with Phil and Manny, thanks.

The Phil arc was hilarious, but the mom/Alex one not so much. I missed what happened with Manny and the girl in the photo booth. How did he end up w/Luke?

The girl bailed on the photobooth after Manny put his arm around her. Luke jumped into the booth in her place.

…then Luke tries to kiss Manny, much to Manny’s consternation. The final shot of the episode is the cop’s arm reaching through the booth and grabbing Luke by the shoulder.



Perfect understatement.

I actually really appreciated that they let Matthew Broderick’s character leave the date without ever knowing that it was a big misunderstanding. He was so likable and even though you know it’s a doomed situation, you’re still kind of rooting for him to have a good time.

Yes, I liked that a lot.

I think the Mom/Alex arc was fantastic, especially given the news of the issues between Ariel Winters and her real-life mom. I wonder how much of that arc was written specifically because of that.

I can’t imagine ANYONE (even writers and directors) would be a big enough ass to write it because of Ariel’s real life events. I chalk this up to Claire’s character development. No director would want to add fuel to the fire of Ariel’s mother let alone put a young girl in such an awkward situation. So I (hopefully) chalk this up to coincidence.

I’d guess the episode was written, shot and edited months ago, before any of Ms. Winter’s personal problems came to light. A co-inky dink.

What this episode aired out of order? :confused: Haley was expelled from college & moved back home last episode, but she was nowhere to be seen this one and nobody mentioned even mentioned her. They made a point of having Phil be home alone, and Haley clearly didn’t go to the Academic Decatholon with everyone else.

No, I think corkboard is just suggesting that this episode followed the same pattern that nearly every sitcom in existence follows - that episodes are written and filmed months in advance.