Modern Family 1/17/13

I think the Cam/Lily wedding, while predicable, was the funniest part of the episode. Especially the car crash and the continuous horn. “We always knew there was a strong possibility she’d be a terrible driver.”

Following the eye rice and pool dunking, Cam flipping Lily out of the chair had me howling.

The Cam/Lilly storyline reminded me so much of OJ Simpson in The Naked Gun.

I loved Phil’s story about his friend Stacy’s mom.

Stacy’s mom, Mrs Robinson.

I wanna fight him Claire. I wanna fight him up real good.

Why hasn’t CPS removed that little girl from the home of the Two Stooges?

Phil: I never missed an opportunity.
Gloria: Yeah, I think you kinda did.

Haley’s older boyfriend (answering phone in front of Phil and Clair) “It’s my ex-wife. And not the good one.”

I found that hilarious.

I was expecting a scene with Jay going off on the boyfriend for dating a much younger woman.

So, Luke no longer hates Lily the most, and they have a new common foe!

This line got the biggest laugh from me last night. Too funny.

You know, I had never watched Modern Family before, but a few months ago, I caught an episode while at a friend’s house and got hooked. I am still watching all the back episodes, but damn, this show is funny!

Yeah, nobody seemed get the parellel. And the age difference between Haley & her beau is only about half the one between Jay & Gloria, right?

Did they say how old the boyfriend was exactly? I think Clair refered to him as being 38 but I thought she was guessing/exaggerating. He looked 25-30 to me.

Forgive me, as I’m new to this and have been watching tons of episodes back to back, but isn’t this whole show one big parallel? Jay, Claire, and Mitch are all basically the same character and each is married to the same zany but loving spouse. The hilarity comes in with how they each deal with the crazy situations put before them as their lives are just different enough.

You have it right. The parallels are inescapable.

“I want to believe you, but you’re wrong about so many things!” – I think Phil has said something like this before, but it still cracked me up.

“Please do not turn me marrying my daughter into something ugly.”

I thought the funniest line of the night was:
Cam: “Half Uncle or Full Uncle?”
Haley: “What’s a fullunkle?”

There’s no way that guy was 25-30.

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The part was played by Jason Mantzoukas, who according to Wikipedia was born in 1972 and so is 40 years old.