As promised , here is the thread for Sugardope 3, scheduled for the week-end of March 18 to 20. This year’s theme will be llamas, goats and syrup, since all three are available at the sugarshack (sorry Sunspace, no calamaris . If you come up with recipes involving maple syrup and calamaris we might try for it next year, but… no promises). Anyone interested ?
Alpaca bag and travel there for the sugaring off!
Yay! Maple syrup llamas!
No pics of me from dinner.
Strangely, I have more llama picture than Doper pictures. :dubious:
I bet they are all spitting images too.
YAY! Sugardope! I’m there, naturally.
No effin’ way! I will be in Montreal that weekend!!! I’ll have to find a way to join y’all for some sort of event, aaahh!
While I’m at it…I looked at the Sugardope thread from last year and saw there was karaoke. May I suggest Vocalz on Crescent Street as a stop? I’ll probably be there every night as that’s where my friend’s fiancee and the hot barback work.
Oh man. I don’t know if we can handle MORE karaoke.
Wait. Maybe if there was a pitcher or two…
Ok, in usual form I’m iffy I’m pretty sure I have a rehearsal on Saturday afternoon, but I either a) can possibly get out of it, or b) miss sugaring off and come to any other evening stuff on Saturday.
Miss the rehearsal.
I want my shirt.
Are they mad?!! The last thing we need is acerbic calamari… :: shudder ::
Weekend of 18 March? Hmm, This might be doable if I get my bonus/tax refund… and survive my performance review.
:: crosses fingers and hopes ::
I’m in town (obviously) but swamped with homework (equally obviously). This means I should not attend. What it means in reality is that I will.
I am horribly jealous. I am taking a trip two weeks before and then again three weeks after, so no can do. I think I would have trouble crossing with th baby anyway, since he has no passport yet.
You can’t just stick him in a duffle bag?
What? Is that wrong?
Hey, I bet I could drive up to Montreal. It’s less than two hours from where I work, so I’ll just pack my bag thursday night, and leave straight from work friday afternoon. I can be in Montreal by 6:30…in theory. Odds are, I’ll get lost.
Awright! Sugardope! Llamas I can do without but I’m down with the syrup. As long as there’s beer or other alcoholic beverages and as long as I dont have to sing anything, I’m in.
And as I said in the other thread, if anyone’s coming in from out of town for it, I have lots of space and 2 couches for people to crash on.
I’m a definite maybe. I’m down in Savannah for about a week just before that weekend, so I’ll have to see how things are looking.