More HDC (or Harmless Doper Crushes) Dos

**Sampiro.**Hands down.

(Wow. What the hell am I doing in a crush thread? The HELL?) <Running away before I’m caught…>

Still all my old crushes, but I have to add Left Hand Of Dorkness to my list. So wise, so even-tempered, so living-in-hippie-heaven.

Plus, of course, he signs his posts, so I feel like we’re on a first name basis already! :smiley:

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that **Mr. Bus Guy ** and **Mr. Blue Sky ** have been hotter than the sun lately. And no, I’m not getting the two of them mixed up!

Is it a bad sign that my fiance is jealous of LHOD?

The truth of the matter is that for the most part I have a very poor memory that attaches names to posts. Though having said that there are some names which I’m always glad to see post are jackelope (hey, he’s my brother, and he cracks me up), as well as a gaggle of female dopers (presented in alphabetical order), Amazon Floozy Goddess, Anaamika, and Kythereia. Those female dopers may or may not also be considered “hot” in my mind.

I never took you for the ‘confused’ (sexually) type. Would be glad to get drunk with you and talk bollocks. And if Homebrew, Zeldar and Carni-the-plant-dude are there… The more the merrier. I could get on with Hitler if we were both drinking (However I hear Addy was not a drinker)

Is this the first time Godwin’s Law has ever applied to a flirt thread?

I’ve had a hopeless crush on Harimad-Sol ever since she posted the bra-on-doorknob picture. Well, that, and because every time she speaks, she proves once again that she’s entirely too cool.

Will someone please notify me if I get a mention? Thanks.

That depends… are you feisty and competitive? Short? Glasses? Like reading books? Low standards and willing to settle? I may be your man! :slight_smile:

Thank you. Seeing this was a nice pick-me-up after the past few weeks I’ve had.

Do you like gladiator movies? :dubious:

Ever wonder why the dog does that to your leg?

smooches ronincyberpunk

Seven, have you ever been in a …in a Turkish prison?

Amazon Floozy Goddess, did you ever hang around the gymnasium?

Ok, I’ve got to admit, I’ve suddenly got one on Left Hand of Dorkness. Damn, you even *yell * at him and what does he do? Come back and respond calmly and reasonably.


Do you work for the gummint? That’s damn scary!

Okay, I’ll 'fess up, but I have had kind of a thing for Scott Plaid who has a cute looking picture on the Teeming Millions page, and based on the posts I’ve read by him we seem to have a bit in common. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any posts by him in a while. Oh well.

I have to admit to a major crush on Vetbridge, who I haven’t seen on the boards lately. A tattooed veterinarian! :: swoon ::

And a platonic, intellectual crush on Sampiro.