More slut talk

I read the “Slut and proud of it” discussion and was kind of curious as to what people would have to say about some of the things I’ve done.

First of all, I don’t think that you can be classified as a slut for sleeping with 3 people and dating several guys (refer to Cess from the “Slut and proud of it” discussion). Three isn’t that many at all. I’ve had a total of 8 and 7 of them I slept with in a 6 month period. I don’t consider myself a slut for it though. I was 18 years old and just had a wild hair I guess. I certainly don’t regret it. I met my future husband that year and we had sex two weeks before we had our first date! Three years later we were married. Two years after that I divorced his ass! Anyway…

As for sleeping with married people… I’ve done that too. (once) I was 18 and he was 30. We were very much in love but he was married and I was dating my future husband at the time. It just wasn’t the right time for me and this married man to be together. He is now divorced, as am I, and we just happened to hook up again within the last couple of weeks after not seeing each other for 5 1/2 years. This time is “meant to be” I guess you could say.

I also had an affair while I was married. The guy knew that I was married and of course he was o.k. with that, what guy wouldn’t be. I still wouldn’t call myself a slut because of my affair. No one knows what was going on in my personal life to make me look for someone outside of my marriage. I know that I am partly to blame for the affair but so is my ex-husband. He agrees with me on that one. I even got pregnant by the man I had the affair with. I didn’t tell the guy that though. He’s just not the kind of person I could raise kids with. He was pretty much good for one thing and that’s all.

Even after all of this I still don’t consider myself a slut. Maybe some of you out there think I am though. I’m kind of curious as to what kind of response I’m going to get from this post! So let’s have it!

< raises hand >

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Yeah, I gotta echo Sealemon on that one.

However, as a new poster I must remind you of the rule to include applicable illustrations with any thread about sex.

Well, shut my mouth. It’s also illegal to put squirrels down your pants for the purposes of gambling.

Morals… you should find some

I am me… accept it or not.

Being that you just registered today… wonder who you really are?

I am me… accept it or not.

My 2¢:

“Slut” is typically used as term of contempt, rather than an indictment of someone’s lifestyle.

I’d bet that most of us have gal acquaintances that are amoral, but we don’t refer to them as “sluts” unless they wrong us in some way.

So, since I don’t know you, and you haven’t done anything to me–I would not consider you a slut.

I also would have to raise my hand with the others.


Will you people PLEASE stop putting these trick titles up for your topics!

Man, you get all in the mood…

Anyway, more seriously, I gotta agree with the guys. If I’m married, I’d sure as shit appreciate it if other guys didn’t hide their salami in my wife.
Actually, I’d hope to god that I wouldn’t marry someone who would be okay with having sex with others. Open relationship? Sure; I’m going to open a retainer account with a divorce lawyer. Since you opened your legs for someone else, this should be an open and shut case. And with any luck, you won’t be able to open my bank acount or wallet.

Then he said, “That is that.”
And then he was gone.
-Dr. Seuss, * The Cat in the Hat*

I’m not going to beat a dead horse, but you are a slut to the nth degree. I can’t think of words strong enough, to be honest with you.

No, I wouldn’t sleep with a married women. And there is no rationalization for any of the idiotic things you have done. Try all you’d like but there is no excuse for what you’ve done except a lack of character.

As an addition, its no suprise that someone who gets a “wild hair” and decides that it excuses everything, and someone who sleeps with a married man, some how finds it in her to cheat on her betrothed, big suprise.

Livin Life, you are a slut. I have no problem with this.

You are, however, a cheater and a homewrecker. These I have big problems with.

I could say more, but I don’t think I’m going to.

Does that answer your question?

“That’s entertainment!” —Vlad the Impaler

Damn – I really hate when I have to agree with everyone else. Makes me suspect that I have misunderstood the question. Let’s ses . . .

Nope. You’re a slut. As sqrl said, I got no problem with that. You’re also a number of other things with which I do have a problem. Homewrecker, cheat, etc. But I suspect the biggest one is Troll.

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

I have yet to meet a man who if given the chance to cheat without fear of getting caught would refuse.

I dont see anything she said that is so terrible.

Shitboy cheated on me, but what hurt was that he LEFT me for the worthless piece of filth. Breaking up a family is a far worse sin than sex.
Sex is a physical function, intimacy is more than sex. You can have sex with your own hand, thats not cheating , if you fall in love with your hand, thats different.
(mind you, if Shitboy had come home, admitted his mistake, I wouldnt have left, I would have made his life hell for a while, but we could have survived it.)

What happened to the baby you concieved while you were married?

( I am assuming you are a reg with a dark secret you dont want to share under your ‘real’ name)

:: Ayesha taps Spiritus Mundi on shoulder::

Uh, excuse me, but that wat NTGrrl, not Sqrl.

Now to the op.

Oh hell, never mind. I refuse to go into it.

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

Hi. Kellibelli is it? I’m Satan. Nice to meet you!

Here’s a little story for you.

Before I hooked up with that evil creature known as Heather, I was seeing a few people here in Raleigh. One happened to be a swinger. She was married, but in an open relationship. She and her hubby both did this.

We got together for sex. Good sex. In fact, great sex. Better yet, she and I both knew that it was just two adults enjoying each others bodies, and anything beyond that would not happen. As in, no worries about emotional issues getting in the way - for her at any rate. Maybe I would have had some eventually - it was strange territory for me - but that didn’t come into play before I broke up with her.

Why did I break up with this person?

Simple. I fell in love with Heather.

Despite the fact that Heather would have never known, being in Michigan and all, and as I said, things would not have gotten complcated with me and my Raleigh swinger due to her lifestyle, I felt like I didn’t want to cheat on her, even though I knew I could.

So here’s a guy who turned down sex that would not have been learned about.

And you saw what the woman I did this for came back and did to me…

Yer pal,

“I have yet to meet a man who if given the chance to cheat without fear of getting caught would refuse.”

Very sorry to hear that. I was married three years to wife #1 and it’s 19 and counting with Mrs. Kunilou. I’ve had the opportunity, and I’ve never acted on it. Putting it bluntly, no sex in the world is good enough for me to wreck my marriage.

Stop by sometime. I’ll introduce you to about 50 others like me.

Okay, I’m really, really going to regret even entering this fray, but hey…

“Slut” as can be used contemptuously by others or out of a perverse pride by oneself. (I use the prissy Brit “oneself” for gender neutrality; sluts can be male or female.)

Being openly, honestly and happily sexual is not being a slut. It isn’t winning the Nobel Peace Prize, but it’s no disgrace either. It’s animal behavior in a human context. That human context is the kicker: sex is just fine, oh so fine. So is a good meal, or just one more drink, or flooring the car on an empty (maybe) road. It all has to do with the big brain tied to monkey glands and a high (one hopes) degree of self realization.

Sex doesn’t happen in a vacuum. (D’oh?) There’s another person involved (okay, in the classic definition) and that means ties, responsibilities, hopes, expectations, etc.

So someone who is happily, responsibly sexually active is not a slut. Someone who lets monkey glands and self impulses rule is, yes, a slut.

Short answer? Married? You, him? Married means promises. Full stop. Don’t want the full benefits (rights and responsibilities) then don’t say the words. If you give your word, live up to it. If someone says the words to you, expect the max, give the words back and live up to your words.

My opinion only: anyone who gives their word and then violates it is a slut. Anyone who knowingly, willingly colludes in breaking that vow is a slut. The guy’s married? Well, then if he’s so unhappy and his wife doesn’t understand him then he’ll untie the existing knot and then come knocking at your door.

You unhappy? Then cut the tie decently and humanely before even thinking about going looking. Everything, everything else is cheating. ROOO-mance, monkey glands and excuses don’t cut it, unless your conscience is too-chewed gum and that’s the most you’re looking for in return.

Sex is great, but character lasts. Mistakes heppen, so no judgment there. But there is no pride in breaking you word, or encouraging someone else to break theirs. Slept around w/ married guys and while you were married? Okay. So did you goddamned learn anything from it?

Don’t expect me to condemn responsibly sensual people, nor to laud casual cruelty and self indulgence.

On a tear,

Livin Life wrote:

Since I’ve never heard this expression before, I have to ask: Which patch of hair was it that was wild? :slight_smile:

Heya, kellibelli! Long time no see! You wrote:

That depends on whether the one he had the chance to cheat with was Roseanne Barr.

I mean, even I have some standards.

First of all, yes Livin, you’re a slut. Actually, you’re worse than that.

Secondly, to Kelli: Meet Rysdad–a man who had several opportunities to cheat during his marriage and didn’t. Wouldn’t. Even though the marriage was on the rocks.

Honor means alot to me.


Websters for me:

slut "slet\ noun [ME slutte] (15c)
1 chiefly Brit : a slovenly woman
2 a : a promiscuous woman; esp :

pro•mis•cu•ous \pre-"mis-kye-wes\ adjective [L promiscuus, fr. pro- forth + miscere to mix — more at pro-, mix] (1603)
1 : composed of all sorts of persons or things
2 : not restricted to one class, sort, or person : indiscriminate <education. . . cheapened through the promiscuous distribution of diplomas — Norman Cousins>
3 : not restricted to one sexual partner
Ah, see that, ‘not restricted to one sexual partner…’

Sounds like what you wrote doesn’t it? Why not? Why do you keep refering to things as ‘sleeping’ when don’t you really mean ‘sex?’ We’ve heard it all already [not me].