Mostly-minor gripes

I’m out of green Chartreuse.

My seasonal affective disorder is kicking in again. This also exacerbates my ADD, so I almost forgot to pay the rent today. And I don’t remember where my dawn simulator is.

I’m still feeling vaguely icky from Thanksgiving. (Went off the diet, and got reminded yet again that I have a sensitivity to wheat. Uggh.)

I lacerated my mouth on a tortilla chip in my taco salad at lunch today.

I dunno if anybody really notices my posts. I swear I’m a total threadkiller. Maybe I should change my alias to “Ragnar Threadsbane” or something like that.

I’ve spent way too much time hunched over keyboards, so my back, shoulders, and neck are really tight. A cross-country trip for Thanksgiving (plus sleeping on a dead futon for a week) didn’t exactly help this situation.

I finally finished Temple of Elemental Evil today. The endgame is waaay too easy.

I’m almost out of bookshelf space.

I need new glasses. And my prescription makes opticians gasp and steady themselves on the furniture.

It’s been months since I’ve been on a date.

My birthday is December 22nd, which totally sucks. It’s right in the middle of everybody preparing for Christmas, so I never get to do anything.

Coincidentally, my current employment contract ends on the 22nd. Unemployment–helluva birthday gift… (In fairness, I’m negotiating a new contract, but it’s not settled yet.)

I dunno if I’ll get to visit the folks for Christmas this year. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Plus, I went through a long bout of depression, which means that a lot of my social bridges in the Seattle area are…well, not burned, but decayed. So I’m faced with the prospect of being alone at Christmas.

The local liquor stores don’t stock Ron Zacapa Centenario rum.

My officemate has a really loud keyboard and mouse. He’s a good guy, but the CLICKCLICKCLICKTAPTAPTAPTAPTAP gets real old real fast.

I suck at Pilates. I still can’t do Teaser.

I need to buy new shirts, and I hate shopping for clothes.

My ficus is losing its leaves.

I have no idea what to get people for Christmas.

I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. I don’t know what green chartreuse is, or that chartreuse came in other colors besides green. Isi it a fancy drink?

As to the ficus, they always do that this time of year. They’re very finicky. Don’t move it, or try repotting it or anything. Make sure it gets the appropriate amount of water, and see if you can’t get more moisture in the air.

Plant food might help. But mostly, keeping enough moisture in the air, and trying not to move or disturb it. It’s not your fault, they’re just that way.

Yeah, it’s a French herbal liqueur. It comes in several different formulations–the most common are the standard green (whence the term “chartreuse” when referring to the color) and yellow. The yellow is weaker (only 80 proof) and sweeter than the green.

It’s mostly because I don’t water it enough; see the earlier comment about having ADD.

I do. I can’t give you any examples offhand other than your recent post to me in my Muscle Ointment thread wherein you suggested I go buy some sort of Chinese herbal treatment instead of buying Tiger Balm (I’m going to go with the balm, by the way. No offense) but I definitely see you around.

And I remember you from the 'fest this summer too. You showed up fashionably late, brought a pie that still makes my pancreas twinge, and were a generally laid-back and likable guy.

I look forward to seeing you again at the next one. :slight_smile:

No, you don’t suck at Pilates. The Teaser is hard. I’ve been doing Pilates for, what, two years now? And I still can’t do it anywhere close to how well the instructor does. I suspect the reason why there are so few Pilates instructors is that hardly anyone really masters this!